Establishing a Gene Trap System Mediated by T-DNA(GUS) in Rice

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:b411574103
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Two plasmids, p13GUS and p13GUS2, were constructed to create a gene trap system containing the promoterless β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in the T-DNA region. Transformation of these two plasmids into the rice variety Zhonghua 11 (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv.), mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, resulted in 942 independent transgenic lines. Histochemical GUS assays revealed that 31 T0 plants had various patterns of the reporter gene expression, including expression in only one tissue, and simultaneously in two or more tissues. Hygromycin-resistant (hygr) homozygotes were screened and the copy number of the T-DNA inserts was determined in the GUS-positive transgenic plants. The ?anking sequences of the T-DNA were isolated by inverse-polymerase chain reaction and the insert positions on the rice genome of T-DNA were determined by a basic local alignment search tool in the GUS-positive transgenic plants transformed with plasmid p13GUS. Moreover, calli induced from the seeds of the T1 generation of 911 GUS-negative transgenic lines were subjected to stress and hormone treatments. Histochemical GUS assays were carried out on the calli before and after treatment. The results revealed that calli from 21 lines displayed differential GUS expression after treatment. All of these data demonstrated that this trap system is suitable for identifying rice genes, including those that are sensitive to induction. Two plasmids, p13GUS and p13GUS2, were constructed to create a gene trap system containing the promoterless β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in the T-DNA region. Transformation of these two plasmids into the rice variety Zhonghua 11 (Oryza sativa ssp. Japonica cv.), mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, resulted in 942 independent transgenic lines. Histochemical GUS assays revealed that 31 T0 plants had various patterns of the reporter gene expression, including expression in only one tissue, and simultaneously in two or more tissues. Hygromycin- The? anking sequences of the T-DNA were isolated by inverse-polymerase chain reaction and the insert positions on the rice genome of T-DNA were determined by a basic local alignment search tool in the GUS-positive transgenic plants transformed with plasmid p13GUS. f the T1 generation of 911 GUS-negative transgenic lines were subjected to stress and hormone treatments. Histochemical GUS assays were carried out on the calli before and after treatment. these dataiform that this trap system is suitable for identifying rice genes, including those that are sensitive to induction.
摘 要: 经过连续十天的国家新课程改革远程培训、两天甘肃省新课程教材培训和对实验区课程改革的现场学习,作者就高中新课程背景下的化学教学策略、学生学习方式的转变、教材的使用等问题提出一些与之相关的见解与看法,并期望能通过这种教学策略研究对甘肃省高中化学新课程改革起到一定的推动作用。  关键词: 新课改 化学教学 教学策略 学习方式  新的高中化学课程与原有课程相比在课程结构、课程内容、课程理念、课堂
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摘 要: 提高课堂教学的有效性,需要较好的教学方法和教学理念,最不能忽视的就是课堂导入部分。有效的导入,能让学生获得温故而知新的感觉,更能把化学新旧知识紧密联系在一起。教师应依据教学内容与学生特点,引导学生积极投入到课堂学习中。  关键词: 高中化学课堂教学 研究缘由 导入方法  美国社会心理学家阿希(S.E.Asch)通过实验表明:“在课堂学习过程中,第一印象有着很强的作用,会给学习者保留很长的
摘 要: 新课程应该激发学生化学学习兴趣,使学生乐于探究物质变化的奥秘。目前越来越多的化学教育工作者开始研究如何让学生“乐在课堂”,如何让学生积极参与课堂活动主动获取知识,作者结合教育实践阐述游戏教学法在课堂中的应用。  关键词: 游戏教学法 高中化学课堂 课程实践  苏霍姆林斯基说过:游戏对孩子来说就是学习,而学习对孩子来说就是劳动。很显然,孩子们在游戏中更能主动获取知识。新课程标准要求“以学生
摘 要: 无论是运用信息技术优化化学课程,还是优化实验问题设计,都要关注教学实践层面的问题研究,客观分析信息技术与课程整合研究的复杂性,协调处理好学习内容的整合、学习方式的整合,使化学实验更贴近学生生活实际,更好地激发学生的参与热情。  关键词: 化学教学 课程整合 实践体会  信息技术与课程整合,极大地丰富信息资源,为学生提供自主探索、多重交互、合作学习、资源共享等学习环境,使学生进行生动、活泼
摘 要: 当今社会要求人才具有更强的创新能力,也对现代教育提出新的要求。实验教学是高中生物教学的重要内容,具备培养学生创新能力的充分条件。本文研究如何通过高中生物实验教学培养学生创新能力,以期能够帮助教师改进教学模式,以此迎合时代的发展。  关键词: 高中生物 实验教学 创新能力培养  一、引言  当前社会急需,缺乏创新型人才,这一社会现状引起专家的重视,其进一步呼吁在教学中培养学生创新能力。但从
【编者按】 经济学是什么?是冷冰冰的数字,是枯燥的图表,还是要拼命去背才能记住的概念?千万不要因此把经济学拒之门外,万事万物背后都有经济学逻辑在起着决定性作用呢。从今年9月开始,让你无法对经济学说不!因为本刊特别邀请了岑嵘老师,他将从鲜活的日常生活着手,为你们带来一堂堂好玩的经济学“课程”。颠覆认知,刷新思维,从此你观看世界便有了新视角。  【作者介绍】 岑嵘,财经作家,长期从事经济学写作。近30
文题        刊期           文题刊期战略研究完善激励机制 留住骨干人才 1浅析如何调动生产部门职工的积极性 3浅谈我国产业结构调整对煤炭企业的影响
摘 要: 生物是高中理科教学中一门重要的科目,近几年各地都在进行课程改革,凸显学生的主体地位,这样就在无形之中加大了对生物实验的考查力度。但在各地许多院校的生物实验课程教学中,由于学生在各种方面都受到了限制,因此他们只能机械地按照教师的讲解和示范去做,所有试验都是呆板的,没有任何创造力,学生的主体性并没有得到真正有效的发挥。作者就生物实验教学中存在的问题和建议进行整理,旨在为更好地提高实验教学的有