
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:limiao912
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美国的种稻历史并不长,但水稻育种颇有成就。美国是世界水稻高产国家之一,由于对稻米的品质改良十分重视,60%的稻米进入了国际贸易市场,许多品种不仅商品品质优良,食味也非常适合广大食米地区人们的爱好,在国际市场上很有竞争力。这些品种大多是在30~40年代通过籼粳交育成和繁衍的后代,至今仍保持中间类型的状态,有些品种粒型似籼,实则与籼稻杂交不甚亲和,有些对籼粳都有较好的杂交亲和性。 The history of paddy cultivation in the United States is not long, but paddy breeding is quite successful. As the United States is one of the world’s high-yielding rice-producing countries, 60% of rice has entered the international trade market due to the great improvement of the quality of rice. Many varieties not only have good product quality but also are well-suited to the tastes of people in the vast rice-eating areas. Very competitive. Most of these cultivars were offspring derived from and crossed with indica and japonica from the 30s to the 40s and still maintain the status of intermediate type. Some cultivars are similar in shape to indica hybrids, while others are more compatible with indica and japonica varieties Good hybrid affinity.
本文提出了采用谷粒酚反应快速鉴定籼粳稻的方法,指出稻谷、糙米、胚乳、谷壳对酚反应的一致性,并详细阐述了影响酚反应的各种因素、酚反应机理及适用范围。 In this paper,