On Translation Strategies of Idioms from the Perspective of Cultural Schema Theory—A Case Study of J

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Idioms, which contain abundant cultural contents and profound truths, are known as one of the features of Chinese. And schemata refer to the knowledge and experience in human brain. The differences of cultural schemata will bring about difficulties and challenges to translation. Through an analysis of the translation strategies in Jenner’s Journey to the West, this paper is aimed to find out in different cultural schemata what translation strategies the translator will adopt to activate or adjust the cultural schemata in readers’ brain so as to help them solve the problems of cultural factors during their reading. Idioms, which contain abundant cultural contents and profound truths, are known as one of the features of Chinese. And schemata refer to the knowledge and experience in human brain. The differences of cultural schemata will bring about difficult and challenges to translation. Through an analysis of the translation strategies in Jenner’s Journey to the West, this paper is aimed to find out in different cultural schemata what translation strategies the translator will adopt to activate or adjust the cultural schemata in readers’ brain so as to help them solve the problems of cultural factors during their reading.
近几年来,大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)对全球高等教育课程与教学方面产生了重要影响,美国ed X、Coursera、Udacity和我国的"学堂在线"、"云课堂"等五大学习平台在大学课程证书
摘 要:本文根据对思维导图的说明和思维导图促进有效学习的理论依据,将单词记忆的规律、记忆特点与教学方法联系起来,对思维导图在英语词汇教学中的应用做了一些探索。思维导图在呈现单词、对单词展开联想、构建词汇网络等方面有比较大的优势;通过思维导图的使用,教师可以对各种教学方法及词汇记忆规律进行总结,鼓励和引导学生在词汇学习中充分发挥自己的个性特点,掌握适合自己的学习技巧。  关键词:思维导图;英语学习;
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