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2007年农业部主推的水稻重大病虫害综合防治技术主要采取农业、物理、生物措施,协调使用化学农药的综合防治,控制重大病虫的危害,确保水稻优质、稳产、高产。本文摘选其中4项主要水稻病虫害防治技术,供读者参考。 In 2007, the major prevention and control technologies for major diseases and pests of rice, mainly promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, mainly took the agricultural, physical and biological measures, coordinated the use of comprehensive control of chemical pesticides, controlled the harm of major pests and diseases, and ensured the high quality, stable yield and high yield of rice. This paper extracts four of which major pests and diseases prevention and control technology for your reference.
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近几天对于之前在雪碧榜上我们的造型,可能造成了一些朋友的误会,我们也在此真诚地再表达一下我们当时有这个想法最简单的初衷:想以这样的方式对父辈那一代 In the past few
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