
来源 :中国建设教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xumingxingHUANG
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2014年,广州市交通运输职业学校申报的“基于能力培养的中职汽车运用与维修专业工学结合课程研究与实践”教学成果,获得2014年国家级职业教育类教学成果奖一等奖,在此,从四个方面与同行分享研究成果:一、该成果包括的内容1.构建基于能力培养的人才培养方案及工学结合课程。依据BAG课程开发理论,同时借鉴美 In 2014, Guangzhou Transportation Vocational School won the first prize of the 2014 National Vocational Education Teaching Achievement Award by the teaching achievement of “Research and Practice Based on Combining Ability and Work-related Vocational Training with Professional Engineers” Here, we share our research findings with our colleagues in four aspects: I. Contents of the Achievements 1. Construct a talent training program and a combination of work-study programs based on capacity-building. According to BAG curriculum development theory, at the same time learn from the United States
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