Double Barrier Coverage in Dense Sensor Networks

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangwang112
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When a sensor network is deployed to detect objects penetrating a protected region,it is not necessary to have every point in the deployment region covered by a sensor.It is enough if the penetrating objects are detected at some point in their trajectory.If a sensor network guarantees that every penetrating object will be detected by two distinct sensors at the same time somewhere in this area,we say that the network provides double barrier coverage(DBC).In this paper,we propose a new planar structure of Sparse Delaunay Triangulation(SparseDT),and prove some elaborate attributes of it.We develop theoretical foundations for double barrier coverage,and propose efficient algorithms with NS2 simulator using which one can activate the necessary sensors to guarantee double barrier coverage while the other sensors go to sleep.The upper and lower bounds of number of active nodes are determined,and we show that high-speed target will be detected efficiently with this configuration. When a sensor network is deployed to detect objects penetrating a protected region, it is not necessary to have a point in the deployment region covered by a sensor. It is enough if the penetrating objects are detected at some point in their trajectory. If a sensor network permits that every penetrating object will be detected by two distinct sensors at the same time somewhere in this area, we say that the network provides double barrier coverage (DBC) .In this paper, we propose a new planar structure of Sparse Delaunay Triangulation SparseDT), and prove some elaborate attributes of it.We develop theoretical foundations for double barrier coverage, and propose efficient algorithms with NS2 simulator using which one can activate the necessary sensors to guarantee double barrier coverage while the other sensors go to sleep. Upper and lower bounds of number of active nodes are determined, and we show that high-speed target will be detected efficiently with this configuration.
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