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在中国机电产品进出口商会领导的关心和经贸部西亚非洲司、经贸政策发展司、我国驻埃及大使馆及经商处的大力支持下,“埃及机电市场专辑”终于和读者见面了。我们出这个专辑的目的,在于提醒从事机电经贸工作的同仁们关注埃及这个充满需求潜力的机电市场,并为开拓这个市场提供参考性建议。 埃及在非洲是仅次于南非的第二大机电市场,关税较低而且比较开放。我国许多价廉适用的产品很受当地欢迎。如在那里投资建厂,还有助子开拓北非、中东、西欧、东欧市场。为了开拓埃及及非洲地区机电产品市场,中国机电产品进出口商会将于1994年10月15日至21日在埃及首都开罗举办大型“中国机电产品展览会”。为使商会会员和广大参展商了解埃及机电市场,选择适销对路的展品和洽谈项目,机电商会于4月6日在北京举办了埃及机电市场介绍会。这份专辑就是在介绍会的基础上,在机电商会埃及机电展筹备组鲍成仁副会长、王坚、齐忠义、王贵清等同志的努力下编辑而成的。我们相信,本专辑对有志于开拓埃及机电市场的企业,是一份必不少的市场调查资料。我们预祝埃及“中国机电产品展览会”获得圆满成功。为了开拓埃及及非洲地区机电产品市场,中国机电产品进出口商会将于1994年10月15日至21日在埃及首都开罗举办大型“? With the support of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products and the support of the Department of West Asian and African Affairs, the Department of Economic and Trade Policy Development, the Chinese Embassy in Egypt and the Office of Business, the Egyptian Electromechanical Market Album finally met with readers. The purpose of our album is to remind colleagues engaged in mechanical and electrical economic and trade work to pay attention to Egypt, an electromechanical market full of demand potential, and to provide reference for the development of this market. Egypt is the second-largest electromechanical market in Africa after Africa, with lower tariffs and more openness. Many of our country’s cheap and applicable products are very popular in the region. If you invest and build factories there, you will also help develop the markets in North Africa, the Middle East, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe. In order to open up the electromechanical products market in Egypt and Africa, the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products will hold a large-scale “China Electromechanical Products Exhibition” in Cairo, Egypt, from 15 to 21 October 1994. In order to enable the members of the chamber of commerce and exhibitors to understand the Egyptian electromechanical market and select marketable exhibits and negotiate projects, the Electromechanical Chamber of Commerce held an electromechanical market introduction meeting in Egypt on April 6th in Beijing. This album was edited on the basis of the introduction of the conference, with the efforts of the deputy chairman Bao Chengren, Wang Jian, Qi Zhongyi, and Wang Guiqing, the preparatory groups for the Electromechanical and Mechanical Industry Egypt Electromechanical Exhibition. We believe that this album is an indispensable source of market research for companies interested in opening up the Egyptian electromechanical market. We wish the Egyptian “China Mechanical and Electrical Products Exhibition” a complete success. In order to open up the electromechanical products market in Egypt and Africa, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products will hold a large-scale “?” in Cairo, Egypt, from October 15 to 21, 1994.
Michael Jackson, among the most famous performers in pop music history, spent his final days in a sleep-deprived haze1 of medication and misery until finally su
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一、影响消耗定额测定的因素 随着国家改革开放的不断深化,全国各地外向型经济迅猛发展。三资企业大量增加,其经营范围之广、产品之多、工艺流程之复杂,给海关在实际测定进