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ECOFLASH,中文称之为植物生态液体肥,是西班牙生物学家 Juan.mame de Acasta研制的。据介绍,它是由数十种微生物多重发酵的代谢产物分离提纯后再添加一定比例N、P、K养分和一些中、微量元素制成的有机液体肥料,富含酶、糖、有机酸、微生素蛋白质、氨基酸等多种营养素。可以为作物生长提供养分,提高土壤和植株的酶活性,在小麦、胡萝卜、土豆和其它蔬菜上使用。效果很好,可使植株的光合率提高50%-200%,产量显著增加。该产品具有无毒、少污染、高肥效的特点,并有一定的防病作用,我们选择甘蓝作试验,以了解该产品的实际肥效。 一、材料和方法 试验于1995年10月-1996年3月在上海市闵行区华漕镇潘家浪村进行。供试土壤为沟干泥,前茬为茄子。试验设4个处理:①无肥对照;②习惯施肥(基肥为有机-无机复合肥)100kg/亩,追肥为尿素10kg/亩,穴施;③习惯施肥+4LECOFLASH/亩·季(分4次叶面喷施);④习惯施肥+8LECOFLASH/亩·季(分4次叶面喷施)。每处理3次重复,单因子完全区组设计,小区净面积10.43m~2(6.95m~2×1.5m)。小区单采单收,计产量。在生长中期测定叶绿素的含量(丙酮提取法);收获时测定甘蓝的主要品质指标Vit. C(2.6—D滴定法)、还原糖(费林法)、粗蛋白质(凯氏法)、水分(烘干法);测定收 ECOFLASH, known in Chinese as eco-friendly liquid fertilizer, was developed by the Spanish biologist Juan.mame de Acasta. According to reports, it is composed of dozens of microbial fermentation of metabolites isolated and purified after the addition of a certain proportion of N, P, K nutrients and some medium and trace elements made of organic liquid fertilizer, rich in enzymes, sugars, organic acids, Microbial protein, amino acids and other nutrients. Can provide nutrients for crop growth, improve soil and plant enzyme activity, used in wheat, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. Good effect, can make the plant photosynthetic rate increased by 50% -200%, the yield increased significantly. The product has the characteristics of non-toxic, less pollution and high fertilizer efficiency, and has certain anti-disease effect. We choose cabbage as a test to understand the actual fertilizer efficiency of the product. First, the material and method test in October 1995 - March 1996 in Shanghai Caojing Town, Minhang District, Panjialang Village. Test soil for ditch dry mud, the former crop of eggplant. The experiment set up four treatments: ① no fertilizer control; ② accustomed to fertilization (basal fertilizer for organic - inorganic fertilizer) 100kg / mu, top dressing urea 10kg / acre, point facilities; ③ accustomed to fertilization + 4LECOFLASH / mu quarter Foliar spray); ④ accustomed to fertilization + 8LECOFLASH / mu season (four foliar spray). Each treatment 3 times repeated, single factor complete block design, the net area of ​​10.43m ~ 2 (6.95m ~ 2 × 1.5m). Single-plot residential income, total production. The content of chlorophyll in the mid-growth stage was determined by acetone extraction method. The main quality indexes of cabbage at harvesting were determined by Vit. C (2.6-D titration), reducing sugar (Flinch method), crude protein Drying method); Determination of revenue
This paper deals with an initial boundary value problem for a class of nonlinear wave equation with nonlinear damping and source terms whose solution may blow u
心、脑血管是人体重要的器官,它的健康与否直接危及人的生命。 我国属心脑血管病高发国,每年我国死于该病者逾200万人,高于美、法、日等国家,而山西省的心脑血管发病率在全