Pygmalion Effect in communication between teachers and students

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  Abstract: The communication between teachers and students is an art,and the Pygmalion Effect is the most important part of this art.This essay talks about the essence and some factors which can make a influence of Pygmalion Effect.What’s more,it also talks about something about the relationship between Pygmalion Effect and the art of communication between teachers and students.We know a good relationship between teachers and students can make Pygmalion Effect produces successfully.So the essay discusses teacher should master a skill for them to communicate with students better.
  1.The origin of Pygmalion Effect
  Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus in the Greco mythology,who was good at craving.Pygmalion saw so much to blame in women that he came at last to abhor the sex,and resolved to live unmarried.He was a sculptor,and he had made with wonderful skill a statue of ivory,so beautiful that no living woman came anywhere near it.Pygmalion admired his own work and at last fell in love with the counterfeit creation.Oftentimes,he laid his hand upon it as if to assure himself whether it were living or not,and could not even then believe that it was only ivory.He caressed it and gave it presents such as young girls love.He even called her his wife.
  The festival of Venus was at hand—a festival celebrated with great pomp at Cyprus.When Pygmalion had performed his part in the solemnities,he stood before the altar and timidly said,“Ye gods,who can do all things,give me,I prey you,for my wife”.Venus,who was present at the festival,heard him and knew the thought he would have uttered,and as an omen of her favor,caused the flame on the altar,to shoot up thrice in a fiery point into the air.
  When he came home,he found the ivory is indeed alive.Venus blessed the nuptials she had formed,and from this union Paphos was born.From whom the city,sacred to Venus,received its name.
  2.The experiment of Pygmalion Effect
  Dr.Rozental who came from Harvard University made an experiment in1960.The headmaster told a teacher that he is the best teacher in this school according to his performance.So he picked out some clever students whose IQ are higher than others as the teacher’s studens.The teacher was very happy and try his best to taught.A year later,his class became the best class in the school.Finally,the headmaster told them he just picked out the teacher and students randomly.
  3.The factors which can make a influence of Pygmalion Effect   According to a survey,researchers get a conclusion that the expectations given by teachers have both positive and negative influence on students.For example,some students who are considered as genius by teachers can be given more expectations than others.It means that different expectations can have different influences on people.
  Pygmalion Effect means that people get what they expect but not you want.Only when you have expectations,you will success.So if you put more expectations to the students,the students will show their best performance to reward you.Both of you try your best to come true the expectations together.
  On the contrary,there will be hinders if you believe that your career confront a series of hinders.So you will get good results as you expected if you are full of expectations,though sometimes they are wrong.Expectations from parents,friends,bosses,especially our teachers will make a big influence on us.
  4.A good art of communication can promote Pygmalion Effect
  Good relationship is a key factor to achieve success in communication between teachers and students.The standard of evaluation to judge the relationship between teachers and students is usually mutual dependence and honesty.Our purpose is making both sides feel warm,safe,and can freely express their feelings.The teacher's appreciation and expectation of students directly affect the relationship between teachers and students,and the relationship between teachers and students directly affect students' learning mood.
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