鉴于国际档案理事会会章第42款规定,各地区档案机构和档案工作者希望加强所在地区合作者可组成国际档案理事会地区分会; 鉴于1993年7月在中国北京成立的国际档案理事会东亚地区分会的目标和作用将与国际档案理事会的会章和活动保持一致; 鉴于本会各成员希望在增进相互了解,保护和丰富本国文化,促进档案教育和研究方面加强合作,为国际和地区和平,以及东亚地区人民的共同幸福做出贡献。 因此,特通过下列会章:
In view of the provisions of Section 42 of the International Archives Council, archives and archivists from all regions hope to strengthen the cooperation with their local counterparts in the formation of the International Archives Council Regional Chapter. In view of the fact that in July 1993, the International Archives Council established in Beijing, China, East Asia The aims and functions of the regional clubs will be in line with those of the International Archives Council. In view of the desire of our members to enhance cooperation in promoting mutual understanding, protection and enrichment of their cultures and promotion of archival education and research, Peace and the common well-being of the people in East Asia. Therefore, the following special constitutions are adopted: