尽管对绝经前妇女子宫内膜厚度的声像图表现已作了大量研究,但对无症状绝经后妇女的正常子宫内膜厚度尚缺乏公认的影像学标准。对那些使用激素替代疗法的妇女,面临如何协调雌孕激素剂量,既缓解绝经期综合征的痛苦,又避免子宫内膜增生的问题,而后者则常需诊刮或活检。对112名无症状绝经后妇女作了盆腔超声检查,旨在确定其正常子宫内膜厚度的范围以及据此评价激素替代疗法的影响,进而减少刮宫术。所有妇女均接受经腹部及经阴道的超声检查,探头频率在经腹部者为2. 5MHz 或3. 5MHz,经阴道者为5. 0或6. 5 MHz。
Although extensive studies have been made on sonographic findings of endometrial thickness in premenopausal women, there is a lack of accepted imaging criteria for normal endometrial thickness in asymptomatic postmenopausal women. For those women who use hormone replacement therapy, how to coordinate estrogen and progestogen doses will alleviate the pain of menopausal syndrome and avoid the problem of endometrial hyperplasia, while the latter often require curettage or biopsy. Pelvic ultrasonography was performed on 112 asymptomatic postmenopausal women to determine the extent of their normal endometrial thickness and to evaluate the impact of hormone replacement therapy to reduce the chance of curettage. All women underwent trans- and transvaginal ultrasonography with a probe frequency of 2.5 MHz or 3.5 MHz over the abdomen and 5.0 or 6.5 MHz over the vagina.