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不久前,中央领导同志对督查工作作了重要批示,各级党委都在认真学习领会、贯彻落实。通过学习中央领导同志的批示精神,结合几年来抓决策督查的实践,我认为当前应做好以下几个方面的工作:一、深入实际,调查研究,牢牢掌握抓好决策督查的主动权。没有调查研究,不仅没有决策权,也没有抓决策落实的主动权。因为,只有深入调查研究,才能制定出符合本地实际的落实党的决策的具体思路和方案,只有深入调查研究,了解党的决策落实过程中出现的新情况、新问题及其原因,找到解决问题的关键环节和突破口,才能有效地化解矛盾,推动落实;只有深入调查研究,发现执行党的决策的好的典型、好的经验,并进行总结、宣传、推广,使之发挥典型引路作用,才能更好地促进决策的贯彻落实。所以,调查研究在落实决策过程中的作用是不容忽视的。1994年9月份,我市为了贯彻落实省委五届九次全会精神,在全市组织了对外开放调研活动,提出了解放思想,树立崭新发展观,加压驱动,制定招商引资、企业嫁接改造、组建企业集团、机关分流人员办实体几大目标的建议,有力地促 Not long ago, the central leading comrades made important instructions on the work of inspection and the party committees at all levels have seriously studied and comprehended them and implemented them. By studying the instructions of the central leading comrades and combining with the practice of supervising decision-making over the past few years, I think that we should do a good job in the following aspects at present: First, to conduct practical investigations and research and firmly grasp the initiative in conducting decision-making inspections right. Without investigation, not only there is no decision-making power, nor the decision-making initiative. Only in-depth investigations and studies can we formulate specific ideas and proposals in line with the actual situation in the party. Only by thoroughly investigating and studying new situations, new problems and their causes that have emerged during the party’s decision-making process, we can find solutions to the problems Only when we conduct thorough investigations and studies and find out good examples and good experiences in implementing the party’s decision-making and make a summary, publicity and promotion so that it can serve as a typical guidepost, can we effectively resolve the contradictions and make the implementation a reality. Better promote the implementation of decision-making. Therefore, the role of investigation and study in the process of implementing decision-making can not be ignored. In September 1994, in order to implement the spirit of the Ninth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the CPC, the municipality organized an opening-up investigation and study activity in the city. It proposed emancipating the mind, establishing a new development concept, using pressure to drive, formulating business invitation and investment, The formation of enterprise groups, agencies divert staff to do several major goals of the entity, strongly urged
摘 要:在测量微弱信号被掩盖在强噪声中的信号时,锁相放大器(Lock-in Amplifier,LIA)表现出了良好的性能。但是由于其本生存在中心频率不稳定、带宽不能太窄及对信号缺乏跟踪能力等缺点,造成对测量微弱信号的限制。对锁相放大器进行一些分析的基础上,设计出一个双相位锁相放大器(Dual Phrase Lock-in Amplifier),并用Pspice/OrCAD进行了实验性的论证。结果