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根据全国人大常委会的部署,省人大常委会今年在全省范围对专利法、专利法实施细则和《湖南省专利条例》贯彻实施情况进行了检查。4月中下旬至5月上甸,执法检查组听取了省高级人民法院和省知识产权局等10个部门贯彻实施专利法律法规情况的汇报,常委会副主任谢勇、刘莲玉分别带队赴长沙、益阳、湘潭和株洲、岳阳市进行重点检查或专题调研,各市州人大常委会开展了执法检查,并向省人大常委会书面报告了执法检查情况。7月28日,省十二届人大常委会第十一次会议听取了执法检查组的情况汇报。主要成效贯彻实施专利法律法规的环境不断优化。专利法规政策体系不断健全。自2009年以来,省委、省人大常 According to the deployment of the NPC Standing Committee, the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee conducted a check on the implementation of the Patent Law, the Patent Law Implementing Rules and the Hunan Patent Ordinance in the whole province this year. In late April and May in Shangdian, the law enforcement inspection team listened to the reports of the implementation of patent laws and regulations in 10 departments including the Provincial Higher People’s Court and Provincial Intellectual Property Office. Xie Yong and Liu Lianyu, deputy directors of the Standing Committee, respectively led the delegation to Changsha , Yiyang, Xiangtan and Zhuzhou, Yueyang City to carry out key inspections or special investigations, municipalities NPC Standing Committee conducted a law enforcement inspection, and to the Provincial People’s Congress reported in writing the law enforcement inspection. On July 28, the 11th meeting of the 12th NPC Standing Committee heard a briefing by the law enforcement inspection team. Main Results The environment for the implementation of patent laws and regulations has been continuously optimized. Patent laws and regulations policy system continuously improved. Since 2009, the provincial party committee and provincial people’s congresses often
it 常作先行代词,指代事物或人,代替后面的短语或从句,或用于表示强调的句型中。但是,近年来高考试卷中也出现了考查 it 特殊用法的试题。例如:I hate____when people talk
In this paper,the influence of various field shapers and their shapes on the distribution of the magnetic flux densities and applied forces on the work-piece in
交流就是分享思想和感受。 Communication is to share ideas and feelings.
探究目标 1.明确文章论述中心,理解文艺创作中“空灵”与“充实”的关系。 2.根据文本内容,学会从阅读中筛选、整合、概括主要信息。探究重点通过反复品味、解读课文,从中筛
点水的蜻蜓,虽然忙得不可开交,却永远不知道江河的深浅。 Point of the dragonfly, although too busy, but never know the depth of the river.