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统筹城乡发展,是科学发展观中五个统筹其中的一项重要内容。粤渝统筹城乡发展的实践给农民带来了实实在在的好处和实惠,在很大程度上分别体现了改革开放前30年和后30年起步阶段的特征。广东作为改革开放的先行者、中国经济的排头兵,对民生有不一样的理解,对统筹城乡的理解层次也不一样。广东注重从大的经济发展背景下理解民生问题。 The overall planning of urban and rural development is an important part of the five co-ordination plans in the scientific concept of development. The overall planning of urban and rural areas in Guangdong and Chongqing has brought tangible benefits and benefits to farmers and largely reflected the characteristics of the initial stages of 30 years and 30 years after the reform and opening up. As the forerunner of reform and opening up, the vanguard of China’s economy has a different understanding of the people’s livelihood and a different understanding of the overall planning of urban and rural areas. Guangdong pays great attention to understanding the livelihood issues from the perspective of a large economic development.