
来源 :中国土壤与肥料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkkk8043
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《中国种业》是由农业部主管,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所和中国种子协会共同主办的全国性、专业性、技术性种业科技期刊。是全国优秀农业期刊、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊。目标定位:以行业导刊的面目出现,并做到权威性、真实性和及时性。覆盖行业范围:大田作物、蔬菜、花卉、林木、果树、草坪、牧草、特种种植、种子机械等,信息量大,技术实用。读者对象:各级种子管理、经营企业的领导和技术人员,各级农业科研、推广部门人员,大中专农业院 “Chinese Seed Industry” is a national, professional and technical seed science and technology journals co-sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Institute of Crop Science of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Chinese Seed Association. Is the national outstanding agricultural periodicals, China’s core journals (selection) database included journals. Targeting: The face of the industry guide appeared, and be authoritative, authentic and timely. Coverage of the industry: field crops, vegetables, flowers, trees, fruit trees, lawn, pasture, special planting, seed machinery, large amount of information, technical and practical. Readers: seed management at all levels, the business leaders and technical personnel, all levels of agricultural research, promotion department personnel, college agricultural college
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