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  现代社会,激烈的竞争环境、快节奏的工作模式,使得人们不得不把大部分的时间都放在工作上。作为白领的你,每天要在办公桌前坐多久?8小时?10小时?甚至更多?据世界卫生组织报告,每年有200多万人因久坐少动而死亡。美国癌症协会2010年的一份研究报告指出,与每天静坐时间少于3个小时的人相比,每天坐着工作6小时以上的女性死于各种疾病的风险要高37%;而对于男性来说,这一风险要高17%。针对这一现象,一些公司已经让员工开始尝试 “站立办公”,把他们的桌子“加高”。站着打字、用电脑,不仅能够避免患上一系列的疾病,而且还可以提高人们的工作效率。因此,长期在电脑前久坐的亲们,为了你们的健康,站起来吧!
  Kirk: Hey, Jony! I see you’ve got a new chair. Looks nice! Jony: Hey, Kirk. Yeah, it’s 2)ergonomic, very soft, and made from real leather. ①Now I can kick up my heels before I even go home!
  Kirk: Well, congratulations! If I’d have known you wanted to upgrade your seat, I would have given you mine.
  Jony: Give me yours? But then how would you sit?
  Kirk: ②Believe it or not, I don’t sit anymore. I got my new standing desk installed this morning!
  Jony: Wait, you want to stand at work? All day? ③Correct me if I’m wrong, but won’t that just make you more tired?
  Kirk: ④It is 3)counterintuitive, but standing desks actually help you keep a pep in your step throughout the day.
  Jony: How is that possible?
  Kirk: ⑤Well, sitting down for a long time is just bad for you, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It slows down your 4)metabolism and even makes it easier for you to gain weight.
  Jony: That’s not a problem for me. I go to the gym every morning before work. I eat well and take care of myself, so my metabolism should be fine.
  Kirk: Wow, you’re better than me! Think about it, though. Is sitting down for eight hours a day at work healthy?
  Jony: Of course not, but everybody does it.
  Kirk: Not anymore.
  Jony: So I see.
  Kirk: Sitting down for most of the day can erase all the benefits of your 5)workout. ⑥Since I don’t work out at all, I really needed to do something to get off my tush and lose that spare tire.
  Jony: That makes sense. I still think standing up while working would make it hard to focus. I’d always be walking around my office instead of staying in front of the computer. Kirk: Walking around is good for the body, no doubt about it! Jony: Even so, I don’t think I could get very much work done that way.
  Kirk: It is true that standing desks take some getting used to, but after you’re used to it, a standing desk actually raises your 6)productivity.
  Jony: So what am I missing here? It seems like standing desks have no 7)downsides. Why is everyone still rooted to their chairs?
  Kirk: When I told you about my new desk, did you think it was a good idea?   Jony: ⑦I thought you were off your rocker.
  Kirk: Exactly. It’s a new idea, and people just aren’t used to it yet.
  Jony: So how did you learn about it?
  Kirk: A friend of mine hurt his back last year, and couldn’t sit at a normal desk for a while. ⑧He got a standing desk, and he wouldn’t give it up for the world!
  Jony: Is your friend feeling better now?
  Kirk: Much better. But more importantly, I’m feeling better behind my new standing desk!

   Smart Sentences
  ① Now I can kick up my heels before I even go home! 现在我甚至可以在回家之前放松下。
  kick up one’s heels: relax(放松)。例如:
  Gee, you are really kicking up your heels. You look comfortable.哟,看你放松得很嘛,你看起来很舒适的样子。
  ② Believe it or not, I don’t sit anymore. 信不信由你,我不再坐着了。
  believe it or not: used to emphasize that what you will say is surprising(用以强调你马上要说的话出人意料)。例如:
  Believe it or not, Jane gave birth to a girl this morning. I didn’t know she was pregnant.
  ③ Correct me if I’m wrong, but won’t that just make you more tired? 我没说错吧?但是这样不会让你更累吗?
  correct me if I’m wrong: used to indicate you are not entirely sure what you are saying(用以表示你对自己的话也不太确定)。例如:
  Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t you just get a raise? Why do you want to quit?
  ④ It is counterintuitive, but standing desks actually help you keep a pep in your step throughout the day. 这很反常,但是站立办公确实能让你一整天都保持活力。   a pep in your step: move quicker(加快动作)。例如:
  Dan, you need a pep in your step. The deadline is approaching.丹,你的动作要快点,截止日期马上就到了。
  ⑤ Well, sitting down for a long time is just bad for you, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. 嗯,久坐只会对你有害,毫无疑问。
  no ifs, ands, or buts about it: without excuses or doubts(不允许任何借口或质疑)。例如:
  If you can’t meet the sales target for three months in a row, you are out, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
  ⑥ Since I don’t work out at all, I really needed to do something to get off my tush and lose that spare tire. 因为我根本不运动,我真的需要做些事去离开椅子,减减我的大肚子。
  a spare tire: a paunch; a potbelly(大肚子,啤酒肚)。例如:
  Two weeks vacation at the beach, the spare tire is back on my dad.
  ⑦ I thought you were off your rocker. 我想你疯了。
  off one’s rocker: out of one’s mind; crazy(神经失常,发疯)。例如:
  That’s a ridiculous target—nobody can double their sales in two weeks. Mr. Johnson is off his rocker.
  ⑧ He got a standing desk, and he wouldn’t give it up for the world!他有了一张立着的桌子,就再也不想离开它了!
  would not do sth. for the world: used to emphasize that sb. would definitely not do sth. (绝对不会做某事)。例如:
  I wouldn’t sing at the conference and make a fool of myself for the world.
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