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日本文化名人、中川美术馆馆长中川健造先生及夫人,应邀于2008年8月6日至11日来华出席北京第29届奥林匹克运动会开幕式。回国后,中川健造先生追忆奥运,先后接受了《读卖新闻》及日本多家媒体采访,把自己的亲身感受通过日本主流媒体传递给日本民众。其中,日本《读卖新闻》从8月28日起连续3天,以上、中、下的形式刊登了中川先生的文章《文化金牌——北京奥运会开幕式亲历记》。中川健造先生的文章以“北京奥运会开幕式是一块文化金牌”为主题,详细描述了北京奥运会开幕式的盛况。文章说,开幕式展现了中国五千年的悠久文明,向世人展示了中国和平友好的国家形象。邀请中川健造夫妇来华观看北京奥运会开幕式所取得的外宣效果是明显的。一个有影响的日本文化人在日本主流媒体上所作的客观介绍,展示了一个充满活力、蒸蒸日上的真实而生动的中国,让那些没能亲临开幕式现场或者不了解中国的普通日本民众加深了对北京奥运会以及中国的了解。这是我们外宣工作一直追求的目标,是国务院新闻办和外文局领导周密部署、相关接待单位辛勤工作所取得的可喜成果。这种让外国人亲历亲为、顺其自然、“眼见为实”的方法,对于今后利用外力的工作不无借鉴。现将日本《读卖新闻》连载的中川健造先生的文章译载如下,让我们一起来体味一个日本友人笔下的奥运开幕式。 Japanese culture celebrity, director of Nakagawa Art Museum Mr. Nakagawa Kenji and his wife were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing from August 6 to August 11, 2008. After returning home, Mr. Nakagawa Kenji remembered the Olympics and accepted the Yomiuri Shimbun one by one and interviewed by many Japanese media to pass on his personal feelings to the Japanese people through Japan's mainstream media. Among them, Japan's “Yomiuri Shimbun” has published Mr. Nakagawa's article entitled “Cultural Gold Medal - The Experience of the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games” in the form of above, below and below for three consecutive days from August 28. Mr. Nakagawa Kenji's article, “The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games is a cultural gold medal,” as its theme, described in detail the grand opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. The article said that the opening ceremony demonstrated China's 5,000-year-long civilization and showed the world its image of a peaceful and friendly nation. It is obvious that the invitation to invite Nakagawa to create a couple to come to China to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games has made notable achievements. An objective introduction made by an influential Japanese man in Japan's mainstream media shows a lively and thriving real and vivid China that deepened the awareness of ordinary Japanese citizens who were unable to visit the opening ceremony or who did not understand China Beijing Olympic Games and China's understanding. This is the goal we have been pursuing in our propaganda work. It is a gratifying achievement made by the leadership of the State Council Information Office and the Bureau of Foreign Languages ​​under the leadership of the relevant reception agencies. This method of allowing foreigners to experience their own relatives and let them see things in their own way is not without reference to the work of using external forces in the future. The article of Mr. Nakagawa Kenzo, serialized in Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun, is now reproduced below. Let us appreciate the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games by a Japanese friend.
当Intel公司还未推出300MHz Pentium Ⅱ处理器时,苹果电脑公司去年夏天已经在市场上推出了采用Power PC 604e/350MHz芯片的计算机,这是当时市场上速度最快的计算机。在Intel
中国消防协会专家委员会成立大会于 2 0 0 1年 6月 11日在京召开。中国消防协会理事长胡之光、公安部消防局局长孙伦、消防协会副理事长刘式甫、公安部消防局副政委陈家强出
Intel 3月5日提交的一份报告表明该公司今年第一季度的收入比去年第四季度下降10%。Intel 称收入不佳主要是由两个原因造成的。首先是 PC 制造商对芯片的需求下降,据预测第一
AMD公司3月上旬警告说它的第一季度结果“显著下降”。AMD 的股票在截稿为止每股损失了1.4375美元,从昨天接近于22.8125美元跌到21.375美元。公司在一份文件中称,预计1998年
近日,HP 发布了世界第一台基于 Intel PentiumⅡ333MHz 处理器和440LXAGPset 芯片组的 HP Vectra VL 7/333个人电脑。该机型凭借高性价比和优秀的管理软件 HP Top Tools 荣
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