
来源 :浙江气象科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:melhy
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一、引言桑树是多年性温带和亚热带木本植物,在一年中生长期和休眠期交替进行。研究表明,桑树生长和桑叶产量与气象条件关系密切。早在八十年代初,我省桐乡县气象站率先开展为蚕桑生产的气象服务;之后,湖州、嘉兴等地也相继进行了蚕桑气象的试验研究。为了进一步摸索桑叶生长与气象条件的关系,我们在国家气象局的支持下,开展了春桑叶生长气象动态监测试验研究,在浙北蚕桑主产区选择三个试验点布置了统一的田间观测试验,取得了在一个区域内春桑叶生长的动态监测资料。通过分析春桑叶新梢生长量等与气象条件的关系,为开展蚕桑气象服务,进行桑叶生长量的气象预测提供实验性依据。 I. Introduction Mulberry is a multi-year temperate and subtropical woody plants, alternation of growth and dormancy during the year. Studies have shown that mulberry growth and mulberry leaf yield and weather conditions are closely related. As early as the early 1980s, Tongxiang County Meteorological Station in our province was the first to carry out meteorological services for the production of sericulture. Later, Huzhou and Jiaxing and other places also carried out pilot studies on sericulture and meteorology. In order to further explore the relationship between mulberry leaf growth and meteorological conditions, with the support of the National Meteorological Administration, we conducted a dynamic meteorological monitoring study on the growth of mulberry leaves and mulberry leaves. Three uniform fields Observations and tests, obtained in a region of the dynamic growth of spring mulberry leaf monitoring data. By analyzing the relationship between the growth of shoots and the weather conditions of mulberry leaves and other meteorological conditions, this study provides an experimental basis for meteorological services of mulberry mulberry and the meteorological forecast of mulberry leaf growth.
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