Unit19 Modern agriculture

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  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.
  It was from the______________1990s that ______________started to develop new techniques to ______________agricultural______________without harming the______________ . Future agriculture should______________on______________ technology as well as traditional methods.
  II. Go over Unit 19, and translate the following phrases.
  1. 这些年来
  2. 养猪(羊、牛)
  3. 对自然的保护
  4. 环境问题
  5. 在早期
  6. 违背自然(规律)
  7. 对时间的浪费
  8. 赚大钱
  9. 记录这些理由
  10. 就我的看法
  11. 中国的传统农业
  12. 为了尽可能多地使用土地
  13. 耕地的短缺
  14. 换句话说
  15. 学习农民的经验
  16. 一本实用的农耕指南
  17. 土质
  18. 平整高低不平的土/除掉杂草
  19. 一代代传下来
  20. 邀请某人去舞会
  I. Key structure
  1. It is/ was +强调部分+ that/who...(强调句强调除谓语以外的部分)
  2. When you plough the soil, plough deep (for)
   the first time and less deep (for) the second time.
  3. He collected information, studied it, did experiments and learned from the experience of farmers.
  II. Language study
  1. practical adj.实际的,实用的;可能容易做的,可行的
  Have you got any practical experience of teaching?
  2. guide n.[C]向导,导游;指南,入门,手册vt.指导,指引
  a guide to the British Museum
  3. ① tie sb./sth.up绑;拴
  ② tie with sb. for sth.打成平手
  ③ tie sb.(yourself) down束缚某人(你自己)
  ④ tie... to... 把……系在……上
  The dog was tied up in the back garden.
  4. depend on (upon)依靠;依赖;取决于
  The country depends on its tourist trade.
  5. ① date back to (date from)自(某时代);存在至今
  ② out of date (n).过时,陈旧,不再流行的
  ③ up to date (n.)(=modern)现代,最新
  注意:date back to(date from)常用一般现在时,无被动语态。
  This church dates back to (dates from) 13th century.
  I. 多项选择
  1. More advanced technique information was______________from abroad.
  A. brought outB. brought in
  C. brought on D. brought up
  2. Whether we are going camping or not______________the weather.
  A. insists on B. taken on
  C. brought on D. depends on
  3. Farmers grow vegetables in greenhouses to______________them from the wind, rain and insects.
  A. prevent B. stop
  C. protect D. keep
  4. New techniques help and ______________ farmers to grow an extra crop in each season.
  A. advice B. advise
  C. allow D. admit
  5.The doctor asked Jane to ______________ her trousers in order to check her wounded leg.
  A. moveB. turn off
  C. remove D. put on
  6. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ______________ of goods.
  A. varietyB. mixture
  C. attention D. kind
  7. We mustn’t do anything that______________the interest of the people.
  A. goes against B. goes up
  C. goes withD. goes off
  8. This book is______________to be an important summary of the knowledge of farming.
  A. madeB. written
  C. considered D. kept
  9. We’ve got to be______________and buy only what we can afford.
  A. real B. actual
  C. practical D. true
  10. Children can grow healthily under good______________.
  A. conditionsB. messages
  C. meansD. directions
  II. 完成句子
  1.______________(正是她的美) that attracted him. (beauty)
  2. Now,______________(人们普遍认为) that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate. (accept)
  3. I requested that he______________(给我们一些建议) on how to do it. (advice)
  4. Fresh air and exercise______________(会造就健康的体魄). (develop)
  5. Where we plan our vacation, Mother often______________ (提出切合实际的建议).(practical)
  6. The apples may soon rot______________. (在目前的环境下). (condition)
  7. To my surprise, at yesterday’s meeting he again______________(提出计划) that had been disagreed a week ago.(bring)
  8. There are______________(各种不同的民族) in the world. (variety)
  9. Every minute______________(应该充分利用来准备) for the coming examination. (use n.)
  10.______________(据我了解), he hasn’t really promised to come. (as)
  I. Learn the following sentences.
  1. I don’t think you ought to....
  2. In my opinion, we should....
  3. I think/believe you should....
  4. As far as I can see the best thing would be to...
  5. First, Chinese people are eating more meat.
  Next, farmers have to raise more pigs, sheep and cattle. So, more grass is needed to feed more sheep and cattle. So....
  II. Learn the following essay.
  1. 信的开头已为你写好;
  2. 词数100左右。

  Dear editor:
  Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.
  Some students think it's a good idea to keep pets because many old people who live alone at home can get some comforts from pets. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary the other students are against the idea. In their opinion if too many people keep pets at home, it's bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.
  I like animals, so I don't think it's bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.

  请你根据以上提示,以Are Training Classes or Tutors Necessary 为题,写一篇120 词左右的短文,反映表中内容,并简要阐述自己的观点。文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。
  I. early; scientists; increase; production; environment; depend; high
  II. 1. over the years
  2. raise pigs (sheep/cattle )
  3. protection of nature
  4. environmental problems
  5. in early times
  6. go against nature
  7. a waste of time
  8. make good money
  9. take notes of the reasons
  10. as far as I can see
  11. traditional agriculture in China
  12. to make as much use of the land as possible
  13. the shortage of arable land
  14. in other word
  15. much of the wisdom discovered by the ancient Chinese scientists
  16. a practical guide to farming
  17. the condition of the soil
  18.clean rough ground and remove weeds
  19. pass on from generation to generation
  20. invite sb. to a ball
  I. 1. B2. D3. C4. C5. C6. A7. A8. C9. C10. A
  II. 1. It was her beauty
  2. it’s generally/commonly accepted (by people)
  3. (should) give us some advice
  4. will develop healthy bodies
  5. offers practical suggestions
  6. under the present conditions
  7. brought up the plan
  8. a variety of people
  9. should be made full use of to prepare
  10. As far as I can see
  One Possible Version:
  Some think it necessary to do so. Firstly, it’s more effective to study with a teacher’s help than by himself or herself. Secondly, you can have more chances to communicate with teachers(there are more interaction between students and teachers.) . Besides, you can make up for what you miss or fail to understand in classes on weekdays.
  Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time for rest and recreation at weekend. What’s worse, attending training classes or hiring tutors even causes some students not to listen attentively in their regular classes.
  In my opinion, whether a training class or tutor is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it’s OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.
金秋十月,送走了第29届北京奥运会的喜庆,又迎来了祖国59岁的生日,在这举国欢腾的时刻,高三的学子们正在跨步向前……  高考是人生的一堵墙,是横跨在岁月面前的一条河流、一道槛;同时,高考更是一次激动人心的撞线,是人生中一次承前启后、继往开来的撞线,它对翻开你生命中崭新的一页有着不可估量的作用,它会使你的人生如诗如歌,它会使你的梦想绚丽如虹,它会使你拥有更多的施展雄心抱负的机会,它会让你登上一座令人
此题考查if only后的虚拟形式。if only意为“要是……就好了”,通常用于虚拟语气。本句是讲话人对过去情况的假设,句中谓语动词要用过去完成时。故答案选C。
abandon hope  abolish tax  absorb sth. into sth.  abuse one's power  accept sb. as sth.  accept that...  accomplish a task  accuse sb. of doing sth.  achieve fame/one's goal  acknowledge one's mistake
I. 多项选择  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can______________ my father.  A. find out B. pick out  C. look out D. speak out  2. The passenger was
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.  April 1st is a day when _________ things ___________ happen. Our friends will play tricks on us and try to ____________ us. If a person is __
一、课文导读  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.  Many people today make choices about their eating habits ________ what they believe. Eating habits become part of ___________ we are. Some pe