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【阿奔的话】在传媒日益发达的今天,仿佛一夜之间,“洪战辉”这三个字就传遍了全国。这个24岁的青年,12年来自强不息,克服种种困难,支撑着一个多灾多难的家庭,靠打零工和做小生意赚来的钱,供养与自己没有血缘关系的“捡来”的妹妹生活、学习……从洪战辉身上,我们找到了一种生活,一种很多人认为已不复存在于这个世界的生活,一种我们愿意相信却始终难以相信的生活。洪战辉的生活,始终是一种站立的生活。靠自己的努力,求命运的改变;靠自己的劳动,图不懈的获取。他教育妹妹,不要轻易地接受别人的礼物,因为接受了礼物也是要还的,一个独立的人,在任何一个平等的层面,都不会主动矮化自己。只有在苦难这个背景里,我们才看得清洪战辉的坚持;只有抛开经受苦难这个迥异于常人的背景,我们才看得清洪战辉坚持的价值。洪战辉最可贵的影响在于:不绝望,不堕落,不沉沦,不极端,不仇恨,不放弃。他能在绝大多数人可以找到放弃借口的苦难环境中坚持——一个身处困境的人都能如此,那么我们这些在常态环境里生活的人呢?每一个人都有他必须经受的考验与特定的生活环境,重要的是,我们能从洪战辉的坚守里看到我们自己的坚守,能从洪战辉的承担里看到我们自己的承担。我们不要求每个人都去经历苦难,但希望每一个人都对得起自己所拥有的一切。《中国男孩洪战辉》是第一本全面介绍洪战辉感人事迹的图书,图文并茂地再现了洪战辉弥足珍贵的乐观精神、坚强意志和扼住命运咽喉的动人力量。书中收录的文章为读者展现了同学、老师眼中的洪战辉,全国各主要媒体对洪战辉事迹的报道以及读者对洪战辉本人、洪战辉精神的评论和感言,还首次披露了洪战辉的部分日记。下面选取书中洪战辉自述的片段,让我们一起走进他曾感动了亿万人的生活经历吧! 【A Ben】 In the increasingly developed media today, as if overnight, the word “Hong Zhanhui” spread throughout the country. This 24-year-old youth has been struggling for over 12 years to overcome various difficulties and has supported a troubled family. He is relying on odd jobs and small business to make money to support his sister’s sister who has no blood relationship with her. , Learning... From Hong Zhanhui, we have found a kind of life, a life that many people think no longer exists in this world, a life that we would like to believe but never believe. Hong Zhanhui’s life is always a standing life. Rely on their own efforts to seek a change in fate; rely on their own labor, the figure is untiringly obtained. He educated his sister and he should not easily accept the gift of others because he must also return the gift. An independent person will not actively dwarf himself on any level of equality. Only in the context of suffering, we can see the persistence of Qing Hong Zhan Hui; only by putting aside the background of suffering from this extraordinary difference from ordinary people, we can only see the value of the persistence of Qing Hong Zhan Hui. The most valuable influence of Hong Zhanhui is: Do not despair, do not fall, do not sink, do not be extreme, do not hate, do not give up. He can insist that most people can find a difficult environment to give up excuses. This can be true for a person in trouble. Then we who are living in a normal environment? Everyone has the test that he must endure. With a particular living environment, it is important that we can see our own adherence from the steadfastness of Hong Zhanhui, and we can see our own commitment from Hong Zhanhui’s commitment. We don’t require everyone to go through suffering, but we want everyone to be worthy of what they have. “Chinese boy Hong Zhanhui” is the first book that comprehensively introduces Hung Zhanhui’s touching stories. It embodies the precious and optimistic spirit of Hong Zhanhui, the strong will, and the moving power of desperation. The articles included in the book show the readers the Hong Zhanhui in the eyes of classmates and teachers. The coverage of Hong Zhanhui’s deeds and the reader’s comments and reflections on Hong Zhanhui’s and Hong Zhanhui’s spirits were reported by major media in the country. He also disclosed some of the diaries of Hong Zhanhui for the first time. Let’s take a look at the fragment of Hong Zhanhui’s self-reporting in the book below. Let us walk into the life experience that he touched hundreds of millions of people!
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