The charm of euphemism in English and Chinese(from the angles of the indirect and direct)

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  【Abstract】: Euphemism is a common language phenomenon in all kinds of languages. In our daily sometimes we cannot say some words or sentences very directly. So we usually use euphemism to express our meaning gently. On the basis of the definition of euphemism, this article analyses and compares the similarities and differences of English and Chinese performance method, structure method.
  【Key words】: euphemism; direct; indirect; communication
  Euphemism is a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant, distressing or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms. The word euphemism is derived from the Greek word. The prefix ‘eu- ’means ‘good, well’ and the stem ‘pheme’ means speech. So it is clear that the meaning of euphemism is ‘word of good omen’. It is general agreed that the implied, indirect or sounding words which are expressed as taboo or sensitive things are all in the range of euphemism. Euphemism is a common language phenomenon in all kinds of languages but it is also very complex.
  2. Traditional Euphemisms
  Traditional euphemism is closely related to taboo. Any language has its taboos because they are influenced by objective facts or ideas. When it refers to old, ill, death or other sensitivity topics we should use euphemisms. If one person says these taboos directly others may think this person is of low cultural quality and very vulgar. Conversely, if we can express indirectly, it can not only give a person a kind of elegant and implicit impression but also avoid causing great mental burden and psychological harm to others.
  There are many diseases and especially some diseases that are easy to cause great mental burden that the parties often do not want to speak directly. So we often use euphemism to express. For example, we use ‘social disease’ instead of ‘venereal disease’; ‘preventable disease’ instead of ‘syphilis or aids’; ‘a growth’ instead of ‘cancer’; ‘mentally ill’ or ‘mentally handicapped’ instead of ‘mad’, crazy’ or ‘insane’; ‘mental hospital, giggle house’ instead of ‘madhouse’. ‘Jane was in a bad way and asked for two days leave.’ This sentence uses ‘a bad way’ to instead ill. In Chinese when we talk to illness we usually use“身體不好”、“身體欠安”. When we say “不治之症” it means cancer. Although both in English and Chinese the listeners can understand its meaning, it is less harsh than direct.
  2.2 Sex
  It is common sense that if we say the words about sex or the love affairs directly which shows we are brusque and vulgar. In English, the euphemisms about sex affair aspects are beyond count. They call ‘sexual relations without marriage’ as ‘trial marriage’ or ‘free love’; ‘adultery’ as ‘be intimate with sb’; ‘to have an affair with sb’ or ‘to make time with’. There are more terms to instead having sex with such as ‘to go to bed with’, ‘have relations with’, ‘make love with’, ‘have intimacy with sb’, ‘have associations with sb’. There is an interesting name of politician’s illegal sexual life it is ‘zipper gate’. Euphemisms used in sex can reduce the embarrassment.   3. Stylistic Euphemisms
  Actually, stylistic euphemisms are compliments and they are mainly applied in education, politics, economy and diplomacy. They are used to express politeness and avoid causing stimulation and collision. In order to satisfy the needs and interests of both parties sometimes we need to use liquidates to express unhappy things. With the development of society, people usually use a pleasant or vague expression to instead undesirable expressions.
  3.1 Age
  Human regards age as a taboo especially for old people and women. In modern society, people's scientific thought has been increased but people are not willing to face the reality of the age. So in the modern language the taboo words about aging are particularly rich. Because of the loose traditional family structures old people always live lonely so they do not like other people say they are old. In order to show the respect they are many words to express old indirectly. For example, ‘senior citizen’ and ‘seasoned men’ both mean old people. If a person is an old politician he will be called ‘elder statement’. And old age will be called ‘sunset years’. It's a euphemism with optimism.
  3.2 Crimes and Law
  Criminal and police are the major part to create and use the euphemisms of crimes and law. The two sides in order to cover up their actions make up of sets of code words. For example, they use ‘rob a bank’ as ‘break a jug’; ‘a juvenile delinquent’ as ‘a problem child’; ‘steal’ as ‘take things without permission’; ‘get the ticket for the wrong parking or driving too fast’ as ‘to feed the bears’.
  4. Conclusion
  Through the comparison of Chinese and English euphemism, we realize that euphemism is a kind of linguistics, but also a social and cultural phenomenon. The emergence and development of euphemism is the result of various social psychology and events. Euphemism is an indispensable part of language. There are many similarities and differences between Chinese and English euphemism. In cross cultural communication, people often make mistakes in euphemism. Perhaps the topic that is often said in a culture is a taboo subject in another culture; perhaps something that is often used in a culture is a violation of the privacy of others in another culture. In order to avoid the mistakes in intercultural communication, it is necessary to understand the cultural connotations and differences between Chinese and English euphemism. Because we say words or sentences in a direct way or an indirectly way can make a huge difference, it is important for us to learn how to use euphemisms in our daily communication with others.
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人物形象就是通过一个人物的言行举止分析对他的性格和感情等各种方面的因素.,进行艺术的再塑造。  历史题材的定义:就是借助历史为背景,讲述有关历史方面的事件,在把它通过舞蹈形势演艺出来。例如舞蹈《贵妃醉酒》剧情:杨贵妃失宠,独饮遣愁,主要描写杨玉环醉后自赏怀春的心态,表演色情,格调低俗[]。剧中,杨玉环的饮酒从掩袖而饮到随意而饮,舞蹈演员以外形动作的变化来表现这个失宠贵妃从内心苦闷、强自作态到不能自
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