Sources of ore-forming fluids and metallic materials in the Jinwozi lode gold deposit, eastern Tians

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fstjqx
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This paper presents gas compositions and H-, O-isotope compositions of sulfide- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions, and S-, Pb-isotope compositions of sulfide separates collected from the principal Stage 2 ores in Veins 3 and 210 of the Jinwozi lode gold deposit, eastern Tianshan Mountains of China. Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz and sphalerite are dominantly primary. H- and O-isotopic compositions of pyrite-hosted fluid inclusions indicate two major contributions to the ore-forming fluid that include the degassed magma and the meteoric-derived but rock 18O-buffered groundwater. However, H- and O-isotopic compositions of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions essentially suggest the presence of groundwater. Sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions show considerably higher abundances of gaseous species CO2, N2, H2S, etc. than quartz-hosted ones. The linear trends among inclusion gaseous species reflect the mixing tendency between the gas-rich magmatic fluid and the groundwater. The relative enrichment of gaseous species in sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions, coupled with the banded ore structure indicating alternate precipitation of quartz with sulfide min-erals, suggests that the magmatic fluid has been inputted to the ore-forming fluid in pulsation. Sul-fur and lead isotope compositions of pyrite and galena separates indicate an essential magma derivation for sulfur but the multiple sources for metallic materials from the mantle to the bulk crust. This paper presents gas compositions and H-, O-isotope compositions of sulfide- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions, and S-, Pb-isotope compositions of sulfide separates collected from the principal stage 2 inores 3 and 210 of the Jinwozi lode Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz and sphalerite are dominantly primary. H- and O-isotopic compositions of pyrite-hosted fluid inclusions two major contributions to the ore-forming fluid that include the degassed magma and the However, H- and O-isotopic compositions of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions suggest substantially presence of groundwater. Sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions show abundance of gaseous species CO2, N2, H2S, etc. than quartz-hosted ones. The linear trends among inclusion gaseous species reflect the mixing tendency between the gas-rich magmatic fluid and the groundwater. The relative enrichme nt of gaseous species in sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions, coupled with the banded ore structure indicating alternate precipitation of quartz with sulfide min-erals, suggests that the magmatic fluid has been introduced to the ore-forming fluid in pulsation. Sul-fur and lead isotope compositions of pyrite and galena separates indicate an essential magma derivation for sulfur but the multiple sources for metallic materials from the mantle to the bulk crust.
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