中欧宇航合作计划正式启动 适航/维修研讨会在中国民航学院召开

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11月19~22日,由欧洲联盟欧洲委员会、中国民航总局、欧洲宇航工业联合会(AECMA)和空中客车工业公司联合主办的适航、维修研讨会在中国民用航空学院举行。这标志着中欧在宇航领域长期合作计划的正式启动,也是欧洲宇航业首次在欧盟的旗帜下与中国航空航天业开展合作。1995年3月,欧盟欧委会授权 AECMA负责协调欧盟在宇航工业领域与中国的合作。自今年5月开始,欧委会、AECMA开始与中国的航空部门接触并讨论双方的合作计划。11月中旬,欧盟副主席布里坦访问北京时,中欧双方正式确定了这一合作计划,据介绍,在合作计划的两年半时间内,双方将在生产支持、生产管理及空 From November 19 to 22, an airworthiness and maintenance seminar jointly sponsored by the European Commission of the European Union, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the European Association of Aerospace Industries (AECMA) and Airbus Industries was held at the China Civil Aviation Academy. This marks the official launch of the long-term cooperation plan between China and Europe in the field of aerospace, and is the first time that the European aerospace industry has cooperated with the Chinese aerospace industry under the banner of the European Union. In March 1995, the EU European Commission authorized AECMA to coordinate the EU’s cooperation with China in the field of aerospace industry. Since May of this year, the European Commission and AECMA have started contact with China’s aviation sector and discussed the cooperation plan between the two sides. In mid-November, when EU Vice President Brittan visited Beijing, China and the EU formally established the cooperation plan. According to reports, during the two and a half years of the cooperation plan, the two sides will be in production support, production management and
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