How to teach vocabularies in the context

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlin0433
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  【Abstract】This paper aims to advise the contemporary teachers to guide students to learn vocabularies in the context to help them foster the English thinking way rather than learning vocabularies by the method of translation.
  【Key words】Vocabularies; Context
  1. introduction
  With the need of individuals,families,and society,more and more students choose to go abroad to finish junior school ,high school or further education, more and more students will contact with more foreigners in the life or in the future job, so now the teachers are given more and more expectations to help students learn English better. In recent years, helping students to foster the English thinking way is the key point in English learning.While in English learning,vocabularies learning is the basic knowledge for students.Therefore,how to teach vocabularies to help students really cultivate the authentic English thinking way is a novel challenge for the contemporary teachers and should get every educator’s attention.
  2. The method of teaching vocabularies for different level students
  In most vocabulary teaching classes,the teacher always adopt the the method of translation way to help students to learn words. For example, if the teacher want to help students learn what’s the meaning of NASA. In the traditional class,the teacher will tell students its Chinese meaning.But in the novel class,the teacher may guide students to guess and conclude the meaning of the NASA from the context (Gordon & Barbara, 1974).Take some sentences in the English text as an example: NASA can help people go into the space.Many people want to go into space,but just a few can be chosen.In 1994,NASA told Mae Jemison can go to space.From the context, students will conclude NASA is a person or a place and NASA will help people go into space from guessing and discussing by themselves.Later the teacher can show them some pictures about NASA through the whiteboard to help them realize NASA is a place in the USA and can help people take a shuttle to go into the space.The teacher also can guide them to know more about NASA via drawing the pictures through the blackboard.This teaching method is for low level or middle level students,and they are about 8-13 years old in the primary school.For the high level students,the teacher first still can guide them to learn in the context first,then let them read the text,the next is to explain its meaning directly : It’s the abbreviation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration .Last is the question time to check their understanding of this word.   For the low level students,such as the kids.Teacher are also supposed to teach them foster the English thinking way in the study. For instance,if teachers want to teach students five senses in the English class,they ought to lead them to learn the five senses from the context (August & Hasbrouck ,2014). The teacher can repair an apple as an teaching aid.First let them see it,then touch it, smell it and taste it.In teaching the sense hear part, the educator can organize the role play activities in the classroom to let students play the part of animals to make the animal sound and let others hear the sound and tell which the animal of the sound (Richard, 1985).
  3. The conclusion
  No matter the educator teaches the students in low level, middle level or high level ,he should inspire them to focus vocabulary learning more in the context rather than by the method of the translation,which is beneficial for them to foster English thinking way to learn real English,to communicate with authentic foreigners, to know more about other countries’ cultures, and to go further to know this world.
  [1]August,D.& Hasbrouck,J.(2014).Wonders.New York,NY.
  [2]Goron,B.& Barbara,L.(1974).The context of foreign language teaching.Rowley:Newburry house publishers inc.
  [3]Richard,J.C.(1985).The context of language teaching.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
【摘要】随着改革开放和中国加入世贸组织的影响,英语语言学习在中学生未来的学习生涯以及今后的就业择业方面都有深远影响,对学生未来的成长和发展至关重要。本文结合自身教学实践,探究初中英语教师如何合理应对英语厌学同学,帮助其树立英语学习的信念,提高英语学习的兴趣。  【关键词】初中英语 影响 厌学 兴趣  英语教育己成为中国公民素质教育的重要组成部分,我国从小学就已开设英语课,在初中高中阶段也是必修课程
【摘要】阅读理解一直是历年来高考中的重头戏,所占分值较重,教师和学生都十分重视。可以说,得阅读者,得英语。因此,阅读理解水平高是在英语考试中制胜的关键。本文旨在探索有效的阅读教学方法,指导学生有效地阅读,提高学生的英语阅读能力。  【关键词】英语 阅读 教学  英语阅读在英语教学中有着举足轻重的作用,有助于学生扩大词汇量、丰富语言知识、提高语言的运用能力。英语阅读理解能力是考察学生英语学习能力的一