My Secret1

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  Hello, boys and girls. Do you like Christmas? Of course I do.I like Christmas very much. Early on Christmas morning, I can always find many presents in the stocking on my bed. My mother always says,“Wow, what nice presents! You’re so clever. You do your best in your study. You try to do everything well. So Santa Claus(圣誕老人)likes you so much, he gives you presents every year.”I have believed these words for many years. But now, I know these presents are from my mother. So this year, I want to be Santa Claus. I am going to buy a special present for her. I am going to put it under her pillow. I will give her a big surprise. Then, I will tell her,“It’s from Santa Claus!”Shh, it’s my secret. Don’t tell my mother, OK? She must be very happy.
难度指数:★★★☆☆  故事导读:  行星博士经常带他的学生去地球上不同的地方考察。今天,行星博士的北极熊朋友弗雷德来看他和他的学生们。弗雷德告诉他们许多关于北极的趣事。学生们都很兴奋,所以行星博士决定这次带他的学生去北极,一起来场北极大冒险吧。  Doctor Planet often takes his students to different places on Earth. Today,
雪花从一望无际的天空中轻轻飘落下来,纷纷扬扬、飘飘洒洒。一朵朵、一片片,晶莹如玉、洁白无暇。地上一会儿就白了,房顶上铺上了一层厚厚的白毛毯,就连树木也换上了蓬松松、亮晶晶的衣裳。  小猪奇奇望着窗外美丽的雪景,不禁想起了好朋友小猴果果。曾经也是这样一个下雪天,他俩一起谈论着“weather”……  How is the weather? It’s ...  有些表示天气的形容词,由名词+y构成。如
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