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马家海上海水产大学教授、博士生导师,上海水产大学生物科学学科带头人。兼任中国野生植物保护协会理事,农业部全国水产技术推广总站技术咨询专家组专家,上海市海洋湖沼学会理事。研究方向为海洋植物种苗工程、增养殖及加工,重点研究海藻的遗传育种、病原病理、生理生态及其品质分析和生物技术学应用。曾主持和参加国家、部级科研项目20多个,其中农业部、财政部首批农业科技跨越计划项目“紫菜养殖加工出口产业链开发”任首席专家。在国内外发表论文40多篇,主编、参编专著三本。曾获国务院特殊津贴、农业部科技进步奖二等奖(第一完成人)、国家科技进步奖三等奖(第一完成人)、上海市育人奖、全国优秀水产科技工作者等荣誉。王桂忠厦门大学海洋与环境学院教授、博士生导师。兼任中国海洋学会、中国海洋与湖沼学会、中国动物学会甲壳动物学分会、中国生态学会理事;福建省海洋学会副理事长;福建省水产饲料研究会副理事长;福建省水产学会常务理事;《台湾海峡》、《中国海洋年鉴》、《生态学杂志》编委;《福建水产》副主编。所从事的研究领域主要是:甲壳动物繁殖生物学和海洋浮游生物学及其生化生态学研究。曾先后主持和参加过国家863、博士点基金、国家和省自然科学基金、福建省重中之重项目资助的20多项科学研究,正式发表学术论文130多篇和教材一部,“锯缘青蟹繁殖生物学研究”获国家教育部科技成果认证,“锯缘青蟹生殖生物学和人工育苗技术的研究”获福建省科技进步二等奖。长期以来为我国海洋领域培养了众多技术人才,被评为厦门市专业技术拔尖人才。 Ma Jiahai Shanghai Fisheries University professor, doctoral tutor, Shanghai Fisheries University biology science leader. He is also the director of China Wild Plant Protection Association, the expert of expert group of technical consultation of National Aquatic Technology Extension Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the director of Shanghai Ocean Lake Society. His research interests include marine plant seedling project, breeding and processing, focusing on genetic breeding of seaweed, pathogen pathology, physiological ecology and its quality analysis and biotechnology applications. He has presided over and participated in more than 20 national and ministerial-level scientific research projects, among which the first batch of agricultural science and technology leapfrogging projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance are chief experts in the development of industrial chain of seaweed farming, processing and export. At home and abroad published more than 40 papers, editor, editor of three books. Won the State Council special allowance, the Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Progress Award two prize (first complete), the national science and technology progress award three prize (first person), Shanghai educator award, the national outstanding aquatic science and technology worker honor. Wang Guizhong Professor and doctoral tutor, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Xiamen University. As the Chinese Ocean Society, the Chinese Society of Oceans and lakes, crustacean branch of the Chinese Society of Zoology, the Chinese Society of ecology director; Fujian province marine society vice-chairman; Fujian aquatic feed research association vice-chairman; Fujian province aquatic society executive director; Taiwan Strait “,” China Ocean Yearbook “,” Journal of Ecology “Editorial Board;” Fujian Fisheries "deputy editor. His research interests include crustacean reproductive biology and marine plankton and their biochemical ecology. He has successively chaired and participated in more than 20 scientific research funded by 863 National Doctoral Fund, State and Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and Fujian Province, and published more than 130 academic papers and teaching materials, The research on reproductive biology of blue crabs won the scientific and technological achievements certification of the Ministry of Education. The research on reproductive biology and artificial breeding of blue crabs won the second prize of scientific and technological progress of Fujian Province. For a long time for China’s marine area trained a large number of technical personnel, Xiamen City was rated as top-notch professional and technical personnel.
语言表达是语文教学的重点内容之一。为了加大对学生语言表达的训练力度,通过对学生进行多层面的语言表达教学,突出语文要素,才能从根本上发展学生的语言表达能力,提高学生的语文综合素养,为学生的成长保驾护航。一、增强认知能力  为了让学生更好地掌握语文知识,提升学生的理解能力,教师一定要重视语文要素的教学工作,增强学生对字词句的认知与理解,使学生能够准确地运用文字,增强语言表达能力。首先,教师应加大对课内
<正> 前言过去的二十多年中,在世界范围内甜味剂的研究开发十分迅猛,似乎还没有一种新产品的发展能象甜味剂那样引起人们浓厚的兴趣和喋喋不休的争论。这其中的主要原因在于1
目的:探讨纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen,FIB)与冠状动脉病变程度的相关性。方法:根据冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography,CAG)结果将326例疑诊冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(简称冠心病)患者,根