S and Pb Isotopic Constraints on the Relationship between the Linong Granodiorite and the Yangla Cop

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dumala
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The Yangla copper deposit, located in western Yunnan Province, China, is a typical giant, newly started mining copper deposit with an estimated Cu reserves of about 1,200,000 tons. The deposit is spatially and temporally associated with the Linong granodiorite, which is rich in SiO2 (SiO2=58.25 wt%-69.84 wt%) and alkalis (Na2O+K2O=5.98 wt%-8.34 wt%), indicating an association with shoshonitic series to high-K calc-alkaline series granites, and shows low contents of TiO2 (0.35 wt%-0.48 wt%), MgO (1.51 wt%-1.72 wt%), and Al2O3 (13.38 wt%-19.75 wt%). The δ34S values of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores vary range from ?4.2‰ to ?0.9‰, indicating a much greater contribution from the mantle to the ore-forming fluids. The δ34S values of the late ore stage is 9.8‰, indicating enrichment of biogenic sulfur which may derive from the crustal hydrothermal fluid. The 208Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 206Pb/204Pb of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores range within 38.66-38.73, 15.71-15.74 and 18.35-19.04, respectively, implying that the Pb was derived from the mantle, with the crustal component, probably representing mixtures of mantle lead and crustal lead. Sulfide of the late ore stage in their Pb isotopic composition, 208Pb/204Pb= 38.69, 207Pb/204Pb=15.70, 206Pb/204Pb=18.35, implying that the Pb was derived from the crust. The Linong granodiorite is syn-collisional, produced by partial melting of thickened lower crust, which was triggered by the westward subduction of the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate. During a transition in geodynamic setting from collision-related compression to extension, gently dipping ductile shear zones (related to subduction) were transformed to brittle shear zones, consisting of a series of thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt. The tensional thrust faults would have been a favorable environment for ore-forming fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the magma arrived at the base of the early-stage Linong granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Linong granodiorite, resulting in mineralization. The deposit is spatially and temporally associated with the Linong granodiorite, which is rich in SiO2 (SiO2 = 58.25 wt% -69.84 wt%) and alkalis (Na2O + K2O = 5.98 wt% -8.34 wt%), indicating an association with shoshonitic series to high-K calc-alkaline series granites, and shows a low content of TiO2 0.35 wt% -0.48 wt%), MgO (1.51 wt% -1.72 wt%), and Al2O3 (13.38 wt% -19.75 wt%). The δ34S values ​​of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores vary from 4.2 ‰ to ‰ 0.9 ‰, indicating a much greater contribution from the mantle to the ore-forming fluids. The δ34S values ​​of the late ore stage is 9.8 ‰, indicating enrichment of biogenic sulfur which may derive from the crustal hydrothermal fluid. The 208Pb / 204Pb, 207Pb / 204Pb and 206Pb / 204Pb of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores range within 38.66- 38.73, 15.71-15.74 and 18.35-19.04, respectively, implying that the Pb was derived from the mantle, with the crustal component, probably representing mixtures of mantle lead and crustal lead. Sulfide of the late ore stage in their Pb isotopic composition, 208Pb / 204Pb = 38.69, 207Pb / 204Pb = 15.70, 206Pb / 204Pb = 18.35, implying that the Pb was derived from the crust. The Linong granodiorite is syn-collisional, produced by partial melting of thickened lower crust, which was triggered by the westward subduction of the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate. During a transition in geodynamic setting from collision-related compression to extension, gently dipping ductile shear zones (related to subduction) were transformed to brittle shear zones, consisting of a series of thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt The tensional thrust faults would have been a favorable environment for ore-forming fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the mag ma arrived at the base of the early-stage Linong granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Linong granodiorite, resulting in mineralization.
地球上有许多令人不可思议的地形,比如被称之为“大耳朵”的罗布泊,加勒比海的海底洞穴“蓝洞”,澳大利亚沙漠中的艾尔斯巨石,以“遗忘世界”著称的圭亚那高地……本文将带领大家作一次地球奇特地形巡游。  “大耳朵”  1972年7月,在美国宇航局拍摄的一张卫星图片上,在中国新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠的中央,清晰可见一个酷似人耳的地形,不但有数道“耳轮线”,甚至还有“耳孔”和“耳垂”。这个不可思议的“大耳朵”引起了
这是7月里的一个炎热干燥的夜晚。麦克·乌尔塔多带着两位生物学家走进了美国科罗拉多州南部圣查尔斯河峡谷的一条狭窄多风的小道。乌尔塔多自小生活在这里,他和他的家人把这里称作“宫殿”。峡谷里,高高的花岗岩间回荡着瀑布飞流直下的响声,声若雷霆。不过,留在他记忆深处的不是瀑布,而是瀑布最低处的涓涓溪流。乌尔塔多他们来到这里,是希望能捕到一只黑雨燕。  寻找戴脚环的黑雨燕  黑雨燕是雨燕目雨燕科的一种,也是北