
来源 :金属热处理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bole456
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同志们: 中国热协自1986年7月成立以来已有将近六个年头了。在一届理事会领导下,热协秘书处和各工作委员会在协会章程规定的任务范围内开展了多方面活动,为会员做了大量服务工作,使热协在政府部门和本行业企业间起到了桥梁和纽带作用,在会员和本行业企事业单位间起到了团结和组织起来为共同目标而奋斗的作用。在完善和发展专业化协作;改善企业生产管理;推动科研成果商品化;开展工艺装备的革新改造;工艺材料的上品种上质量;职工技术培训;促进文明生产和生产技术进步以及发挥热处理潜力,提高机械产品质量方面都见到了明显效果。正如陆燕荪理事长在中国热协成立大会的讲话中所说的:随着国家经济体制改革的深入开展,协会的作用将愈来愈重要。中国热处理协会六年来的实践充分证明了这一点。 Comrades: The China Society of Heat has been in existence for almost six years since its establishment in July 1986. Under the leadership of the Council, the CPPCC secretariat and the various working committees carried out various activities within the scope of the tasks stipulated in the association’s articles of association. They have done a lot of service work for the members and helped the associations to work between government agencies and enterprises in the industry. The role of bridges and ties has played a role in the unity and organization of common goals between members and enterprises in the industry. To improve and develop professional collaboration, improve enterprise production management, promote the commercialization of scientific research results, carry out innovation and transformation of technological equipment, improve the quality of technical materials, provide technical training to employees, promote the development of civilized production and production technologies, and realize the potential of heat treatment. We have seen remarkable results in improving the quality of mechanical products. As Lu Yankai, chairman of the council, said in his speech at the founding conference of the China Association of Heat and Energy, with the deepening of the country’s economic restructuring, the role of the association will become more and more important. The practice of China Heat Treatment Association for six years has fully proved this point.
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