
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wusuowei282736
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  Recently, the European Open Rights Group conducted a research whose result showed that the British Internet Service Provider (ISP) has shut down a fifth of the domestic websites and even some harmless websites including one dedicated to providing postnatal knowledge. A Porsche intermediary and consultant website was also shielded by British Internet service provider O2.
  Although British government has never enacted any laws to regulate the ISPs to shut down these websites, but David Cameron, the British Prime Minister has been very supportive to such actions. In 2013, delivered a speech when attending a conference aimed to combat online pornography, in which he said that the innocent adolescents should be particularly protected. Jim Killock, the Executive Director of the Open Rights Group said that different website filters have different levels of security protection, and websites with different protocols also differ in shielding. Therefore, some websites were shut down mistakenly. A test will start accordingly to develop a safer and better website filter.
  Actually, apart from Britain, China, Japan, Korea, America and Singapore also made actions respectively to deal with internet insecurity to protect the juveniles.
  In a country where the group of juvenile internet users is huge, cleansing the internet environment is definitely a challenging issue. To protect the juveniles, China has enacted the Law on the Protection of Minors, forbidding any entities or individuals to selling, leasing or disseminating obscene, violent, horror and gambling material in any other ways to the minors.
  In addition, Chinese government is actively developing internet tools and products to protect the minors. To help parents guide their children in using the internet, Chinese government is actively formulating the “Mom Education Plan”.   Feng Jun, a CPPCC member said that China should develop an Internet Managing and Rating System: “Minors are incapable of distinguishing the good contents from the bad. It is necessary that we develop a rating system to prevent the minors from viewing objectionable contents.” Some parents and schools are trying everything to stop the students from using the internet. On this subject, Tong Guohua, an NPC Deputy stated: “We are living in a ‘double world’ where internet virtual world and real society both exist. It is impossible for parents to completely block their children from internet. The application and management of internet should be concomitant. We must design from the top level, and adapt the social managing system to the development of new technologies. We’ve constructed a legal system with Chinese characteristics, and we can build a legal system aimed to regulate the internet society as well.”
  As an economical highly developed country with highly popular internet , all kinds of internet crimes have been longtime bothering the Japanese government and citizens. The offenders use the internet to lure and abet the adolescences to engage in obscene activities. And the minors are frequently getting harmed by visiting adult websites.
  Japan has been strengthening its laws and regulations to supervise the internet. After entering the 21st century, Japan has enacted the Regulation of the Internet Service Providers’ Liabilities, Regulations about Combating with the Dating Websites Luring the Minors, Regulation about the Internet Environment for Minor Users, Regulation Regarding the Emails and more, which have effectively stopped the objectionable contents from spreading.
  The Regulation about the Internet Environment for Minor Users specifically stated the liabilities of ISPs and guardians: when selling cell phones to person under the age of 18, the ISPs should install filter software in advance which serves to block the harmful websites, and the computer companies must facilitate such actions. The guardians are responsible for supervising the minors in viewing internet contents through the managing softwares.   However, the regulation is not implemented quite smoothly since the minors are resisting obeying. The commercial interests for the producers have challenged the government in implementing. But the fact that the Regulation is effective in protecting the minors is quite conforming: according to the data released by Japanese National Police Agency. In the first half year of 2009, the number of online dating websites’ victims is 265, 25.6% lower than the same period of last year. Also the filter software is also gaining its popularity as its prevalence among Japanese families reached 25.6%.
  In terms of the network security management, The Republic of Korea adopts measures such as the real-name system for access to the internet, which is especially worth our following suit. The users cannot be entitled to access to the net and release information until they get their personal identification numbers verified if they want to log on 35 major Korean websites.
  For those websites not suitable for visits of youngsters, The Republic of Korea has taken even stricter measures to verify ages and identities. In South Korea, portals and news sites are forbidden to contain contents inappropriate to teenagers. Despite less restriction to sites targeted at adults, identity and age must be recognized as well. An around-the- clock Harmful Information Reporting Center is set up within Information Communication Ethics Committee affiliated with the Korean government. In this way, technical means, the Korea Communication Commission (KCC) can manage to prevent its netizens from downloading pornographic video from foreign sites and reprinting them. In accordance with relevant regulations, provided that various websites in The Republic of Koreafail to voluntarily shield online articles, audios, videos and other forms that are obscene, illegal and associated with slandering others’ reputation, they shall bear legal liability for the disputes arising from these adverse information. It is reported that the South Korean government has arrested more than 100 suspects involved in arbitrary spread of pornography online, some of whom were sentenced to heavy penalties. In addition, 8 sites disseminating dissipate information have been reported to the police bureau for disposal.   对于那些不宜青少年浏览的网站,韩国更是实行了严格的年龄和身份核实措施。在韩国,门户网站和新闻类的网站不能含有青少年不宜的内容。即便成人类的网站限制较少,但也必须进行身份和年龄确认。在韩国政府下属的信息通讯伦理委员会内部,设有24小时运行的“有害信息举报中心”。利用技术手段,韩国信息通讯部达到阻止网民从国外网站下载并转载淫秽视频的目的。根据相关规定,韩国的各类网站如果不主动屏蔽有关淫秽、违法和涉嫌诋毁他人名誉的网络文章,音频、影像资料等,他们将会因这些不良信息而引发的纠纷承担相关法律责任。据悉,韩国政府曾逮捕了100多名在网上随意散播色情信息的嫌疑犯。其中,一些人被处以重罚。另外,政府还将8家散布淫乱信息的网站举报给警察厅处置。
  Singapore is one of the countries which is the earliest one to promote the Internet in the world and with the highest penetration; it’s also among the most successful nations in the network management. The country enhances its network management by means of legislation, enforcement, access and self-restraint of citizen themselves.
  In Singapore, the Broadcasting Act stipulates that three major Singaporean telecom service providers shall have the obligation to block specific sites. The Singaporean government shall have the right to require suppliers to delete pornographic contents of speech online. In case of the supplier’s failure to do so, it shall be subject to fine and temporary suspension of its business licenses. Besides, the government also encourages suppliers to develop and promote “family access system”, so as to help users filter out the contents improper for youngsters.
  Moreover, the Singaporean government has founded an “Internet Parent Advisory Group” to the effect of assisting parents in guiding safe surfing online of youngsters via government funding and by providing training courses. The Media Development Authority of Singapore has also established Internet Public Education Fund with a worth of $ 5 million for research and development of tools for effective management of web contents and carried out public education campaigns to encourage people to install green Internet software. So far, the Authority has blocked over 100 sites containing pornography and other undesirable contents.
  It has always been a focus of cybercrime curbing for Germany to combat dissemination and possession of child pornography. The Top Criminal Court of Germany rules that there’s no difference between spreading child pornography online and printing similar contents; a maximum of 15-year imprisonment shall be given on both two circumstances. To this end, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Police conduct 24-hour tracking and analysis of network information; they have also established an agency called “Online Patrol” by mobilizing experts and technical forces experienced at cracking down on pornography crimes. The page will display warnings once users attempt to click the sites with child pornography. Meanwhile, an information station is also run.   在德国,对“传播和拥有儿童色情信息”的打击一直是遏制网络犯罪的重点。德国最高刑事法庭规定,互联网上散播儿童色情内容同类似内容的印刷品没有区别,都将面临最高达15年监禁的处罚。为此,德国联邦内政部和联邦警察局24小时跟踪分析网络信息,并调集打击色情犯罪的专家和技术力量成立了“网上巡警”机构。如果有网民试图打开含有儿童色情内容的网站,网页将显示警告说明。同时,还运行了一个信息举报站。
  To make mobile phone users free from interference, real-name registration is required for network access of mobile phones in Germany. To gain the cell phone access, a user needs to provide information like identity cards, address, bank account, and enter into the telecom operator's database for record. It is worth mentioning that, for minor customers, all telecom operators in Germany have to set anti-porn software on user cards so as to prevent criminal harassment.
  The US
  The United States boosts the world’s most mature and efficient Internet monitoring and control measures, of which, management of adult sites and protection of children in the Internet context is a top priority of the U.S. government. Since 1996, the U.S. Congress has successively passed an array of laws, including Communication Decency Act, Child Online Protection Act and Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) , imposing restrictions on pornographic websites. According to the CIPA, American public libraries must install their networked computers with pornography filter systems and the government shall provide financial support for establishing network filtering technology systems so that minors online can be free of online contact with “obscenity, child pornography and barefaced description harmful to them”. Otherwise, the library will not be able to obtain technical subsidies from the Government. The Act also stipulates that any one, who put minors in exposure to hazardous information for commercial purposes during the Internet communication, shall be fined $ 50,000 below or sentenced to detention of less than six months.
  In the meantime, some American states have defined as criminal harassment offense the incident of deliberately hurting others’ feelings by use of the Internet and e-mail, for which imprisonment of up to two and a half years or a fine not exceeding $ 1,000 shall be exerted. According to Florida regulations, it shall be deemed as class I misdemeanor for act of harassment via e-mail and the Internet, while harassment to youngsters under 16 years via the Internet shall constitute Class III felony.   It’s also part of important network regulation taken by the U.S. government by encouraging public participation in the Internet oversight. Many American NGOs are actively getting involved in regulatory activities on the Internet, particularly on the child pornography rising online. US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) set up a special Executive Board in 1999, responsible for receiving reporting and complaints from the public. People can report and complain through letters, e-mail, fax and other means. An NGO named Website Association Advocating Children Protection is dedicated to reporting and verifying varieties of porn sites, analyzing server, charging method, IP address, owner, and other information on the porn site reported; once contents pertaining to child pornography are found, it will immediately report them to be to the FCC, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other government authorities.
  A survey shows that as many as 39% of American parents never teach their children how to correctly use the Internet. In this connection, the FBI has specially compiled and distributed for parents the Guide for Parents on Online Security. Some computer companies have also developed remote monitoring software oriented to parents. To further protect network security of youngsters, quantities of civil society groups organize themselves spontaneously, aiming at appealing to government legislation to prohibit operators from passing online payment function of phone porn sites.
  Accompanied with the development of the Internet, disseminating pornography using the network have been on the rise in the Russia territory recently. Indicated by a survey on “frequently used search terms” on Internet users among Russian minors, “sex” and “porn” are ranked in the top ten.
  To prevent the minors from further falling victims to online obscene and pornographic websites, the Russian government has increased its force of efforts in this regard, and agencies concerned are also constantly developing new countermeasures. A certain Internet service providers in Russia have provided special services to 22,000 families at their request. And requested by parents, a good many Internet companies have designated access time and access passwords for Internet terminals of these families. If minors of these families attempt to log in obscene and pornographic websites with absence of special password, a message of “Please Leave And Go To Study” will prompt immediately on the screen.   伴随着互联网的发展,近年来俄罗斯境内利用网络传播色情内容的现象日益严重。在对俄未成年人互联网用户“经常使用的搜索词”的调查中,“性”和“色情”位于前十名。
  For strengthened management on the Internet, Russia has introduced an amendment to Law on Protecting Youngsters from Interference of Harmful Information on Their Health and Development, stipulating special measure of “Information Filtering” on the family users with minors between 12:00 and 18:00 every day in order to prohibit erosion of obscene and pornographic websites on youngsters.
  In recent years, rapid development of the Internet makes surfing on the Internet an activity which is occupying increasing spare time of Sweden youngsters. At the same time, online pornography which spreads with great rapidity by relying on the Internet continues to sound the alarm for both Swedish government and parents. In order to intensify the crackdown on online pornography crime related to adolescents and children, the Swedish government has submitted proposals to the Congress, calling for more stringent laws to regulate network development, especially for creating a more secure network environment for teenagers.
  After the proposal approved, the people involved in pornography transmission and making profits by online pornography; what’s more, those who pay to watch pornographic pictures and videos related to teenagers and children will be also subject to legal sanctions. The proposal also calls for exerting more severe punishment on online pornography criminals related to teenagers and children, and giving heavier punishment for those previously lighter sentence as appropriate so as to continue fighting against online pornography crimes closely linked with foreign countries.
  Currently, large numbers of Swedish parents have installed filtering software on home computers with view to restricting their children’s online behaviors. According to Swedish media reports, approximately 64% of Swedish parents choose to clean their network path on their own. Installing filtering software can help block children’s access to a considerable number of pornographic web pages.
  近年来,互联网的高速发展使上网成为占据瑞典青少年越来越多业余时间的活动,而依托互联网高速传播的网络色情给瑞典政府和家长们不断敲响警钟。为了加强与青少年和儿童有关的网络色情犯罪的打击力度,瑞典政府向国会递交提案,要求更严格的法律来监管网络发展,尤其是要创造一个对青少年更安全的网络环境。   提案批准后,不仅是那些传播色情和以网络色情谋利的人将被处罚,通过互联网付费观看青少年和儿童色情图片及视频的人也将受到法律制裁。提案还呼吁法庭对实施与青少年和儿童有关的网络色情犯罪者进行更严厉的惩处,对以往判刑较轻的相关行为可适当加重刑罚,以便于进一步打击与国外密切关联的网络色情犯罪。
  Sweden Internet companies have also actively launched a self-discipline campaign. Telia Sonera, the largest telecom operator in Northern Europe, was disclosed a few years ago that about 20 billion kronor ($ 1 equals about 7.2 SEK) of its earning was associated with online pornography. To save its image from the old disastrous impacts, the company, positively in respond to the call of the government to combat Internet pornography crimes, offers customers free filtering software in cooperation with Swedish network security businesses; as long as the customer agrees, the company will set on the network server a special filter program which is capable of shielding nearly 85% of child pornography websites. And such service of filtering porn sites is supplied for free to its approximately 70 million European users with the purpose of bettering and purifying the Internet environment.
  In 1998, France passed the Law on the Protection of Minors, which stipulates punishing the behavior of tempting juvenile delinquency via the Internet in a strict and severe manner. In accordance with French laws, a sentence of five years shall be imposed on anyone who connives adults online to degenerate, with a fine of 76,250 Euros. If the victim is under 15 years of age, he shall be sentenced to seven years, with a fine of 110,000 Euros. Penal Code also provides that anyone who is involved in dissemination of images online with minor-related pornography contents shall be sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 Euros. And anyone who uploads similar contents to the public or via communications network, shall be subject to a 5-year sentence and a fine of 76,250 Euros and to name but a few.
  The French Ministry of Education also makes efforts by control and guidance while safeguarding online interests of youngsters with strict laws. On one hand, it fights against cyber crime, and on the other, it conducts civilized education through the Internet and guides students to be highly vigilant against attacks from pornographic and inappropriate contents when surfing online. For instance, the Secretaries of States from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Digital Economy take the lead in establishing “Assured Internet” for youngsters in collaboration with the Internet industry, teach teenagers how to pay attention to protecting their privacy and show respect for copyright and portrait right while getting correct knowledge on the Internet. Meanwhile, given reading characteristics and preferences of teenagers, the “Assured Internet” also specially offer teenagers aged between 7-15 years old 15 sets of programs in total by compiling knowledge on healthy surfing into relaxed and lively programs of animation and comics, with a combination of knowledge and interest.   1998年,法国通过了《未成年人保护法》,从严从重惩罚利用网络诱惑青少年犯罪的行为。法国的法律规定,在网上纵容成年人堕落者要判刑5年,并处以76,250欧元的罚款。如被害人不满15岁,则须判刑7年,罚款11万欧元。刑法还规定,在网上传播带有未成年人色情内容的图像要处以3年徒刑,4.5万欧元的罚款。如果向大众或是通讯网络上传类似内容,则要被判刑5年,罚款76250欧元。类似的条款还有不少。
  In addition, the school also plays a positive role in this aspect by carrying out civilized education with a focus on students. Automatic browser monitors are installed on campus network to limit access content and scope of students. Since 2004, all French schools have linked on the Internet two “blacklists”related to obscenity and racial discrimination; in this way, students can be protected from infringement of undesirable websites through special processing. Some NGOs also are actively joining in a team to help shield youngsters from dangers of “net poison”, forming a oversight and protection network comprising of the government, school and community.
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