新闻记者要学会作总体设计,这一条我感到十分必要。任何一个指挥员要取得战役和战斗的胜利,就必须胸有全局,知己知彼,并且有一个战役和战斗的总部署;没有这种全局的部署,就成了打乱仗,取胜的可能极小。新闻记者也应该做到胸有全局。一个比较复杂的报道,没有对全局的了解,不搞出一个总体设计(即方案),是不容易搞好的。去年十月,我到河北省三河县采访那里的中小学勤工俭学的成绩和经验。三河县勤工俭学搞得好,我早就知道。这次去三河之前,先研究了许多省份的材料,感到中小学教育经费缺乏,以致造成校舍和师资的极大困难,是一个比较普遍的问题。而三河县中小学因为开展了勤工俭学,不仅造起了一大批新校舍,而且教师福利和教学质量都较其它地方好。于是,我认为三河县中小学勤工俭学的经验可能有一定的较普遍的意义。但是,应该说,这时候我还没有一个总体设计。到三河县之后,经过初步调查研究,我的头脑里形成了两个比较鲜明的印象: 第一个印象:勤工俭学和普及教育有极为
I feel it necessary for journalists to learn to design as a whole. Any commanders who want to win the battle and fight must have the overall situation in mind, know each other, and have a general battle and battle arrangement. Without such a global deployment, it will become a chaos and the chance of victory will be extremely small. Journalists should also be bold. A more complicated report, without an overall understanding of the overall design (ie program), is not easy to do well. Last October, I went to Sanhe County, Hebei Province to interview the achievements and experiences of work-study programs in primary and secondary schools there. Sanhe County work-study program well done, I already know. Before going to Sanhe this time, I studied the materials in many provinces and felt that there was a lack of funds for primary and secondary education. As a result, it was a very common problem that great difficulties in school buildings and teachers were caused. The three primary and secondary schools in Sanhe County, because of carrying out work-study program, not only created a large number of new school buildings, and teacher welfare and teaching quality are better than elsewhere. So, I think Sanhe County primary and secondary work-study experience may have some more general significance. However, it should be said that at this time I did not have an overall design. To Sanhe County, after a preliminary investigation, in my mind formed two more distinct impression: The first impression: work-study program and education is very universal