抓好管理练内功 盘活资金求发展

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开封机械厂在中原地区生产农机历史最悠久,目前已发展成为国家小四轮拖拉机定点生产的大型骨干企业。改革开放以来,我们在平等的竞争中,在国有大中型企业难搞的呼声中,利用优势,挖掘潜力,使企业得以长足发展。1994年完成工业总产值2.7亿元,销售收入3.7亿元,实现利润1900万元,均创我厂历史最好水平,其中实现利润排名全国同行第一名,并夺取了全行业25个主要考核项目的十个第一。尤其是95年通过开展“转机制、抓管理、练内功、增效益”活动,使企业各项经济技术指标显著提高,以37%的速度递增,1—9月份完成销售收入比94年同期增长65.2%,实现利润增长1.2倍,九项经济指标创小拖行业第一。 Kaifeng Machinery Plant in the Central Plains region to produce agricultural machinery has the longest history, has now developed into a national small four-wheel tractor sentinel production of large-scale backbone enterprises. Since the reform and opening up, we have used our advantages and tapped the potentials in equal competition among the voices of the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises to enable enterprises to make great strides. In 1994, it achieved a total industrial output value of 270 million yuan, a sales income of 370 million yuan and a profit of 19 million yuan. Both of them achieved the best historical record in our factory. Among them, the Company achieved the first place among the national counterparts in profit ranking and seized 25 major appraisals in the whole industry Ten first in the project. Especially in 1995, through carrying out the activity of “transferring mechanism, grasping management, practicing internal merits and increasing benefit”, the various economic and technical indicators of the enterprise were significantly raised at a rate of 37%, and the sales revenue in January-September was increased over the same period of 1994 65.2%, achieving a 1.2-fold increase in profits. The nine economic indicators hit the first in the industry.
在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。 In