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一、金融广告的性质、任务及其作用 所谓金融广告就是通过传播金融广告信息,衔接、沟通和协调金融活动与经济发展的相互关系,推动金融与经济共同发展的一种经济现象,它是促进我国社会主义物质和精神文明的重要宣传工具。金融广告的任务是指通过在金融广告活动中树立竞争观念和服务观念达到广告的目的,其含义包括两方面,一是通过金融组织形象信息传播的宣传,让人们来认识金融、理解金融、支持金融,创造良好的社会环境,发展金融;二是通过金融业务信息传播的宣传,为社会提供金融服务使其参与金融,创造效益,推动经济运行和发展。它的作用体现在以下几个方面: 1.金融广告有利于塑造金融形象, I. The Nature, Tasks, and Roles of Financial Advertising Financial advertising is an economic phenomenon that promotes the common development of finance and economy through the dissemination of financial advertising information, the convergence, communication, and coordination of the mutual relationship between financial activities and economic development. An important propaganda tool for China’s socialist material and spiritual civilization. The task of financial advertising is to achieve the purpose of advertising by establishing competitive concepts and service concepts in financial advertising campaigns. Its meaning includes two aspects. First, it promotes people’s understanding of finance, financial understanding, and support through the promotion of image information dissemination by financial organizations. Finance, to create a good social environment, and develop finance; Second, through the dissemination of information on the financial business information, to provide financial services to the community to participate in finance, create benefits, and promote economic operation and development. Its role is reflected in the following aspects: 1. Financial advertising helps shape the financial image.
又是一年毕业季。日前,北大教授饶毅发表题为“做自己尊重的人”的最短毕业致辞,4分钟赢得9次掌声。饶毅教授没有为毕业生描述一个美好的未来,反而泼了一盆冷水。成功学未必没有积极意义,但一个人显然不能靠成功来满足内心,直指人性问题,将尊重作为正确价值观的重要支点。回首几位中外名家写给青年学子的致辞,如何面对人生的得与失,常常就决定了文明的深度。  章太炎:今日青年之弱点  1919年  现在青年第一弱点
Countries around the world marked the world’s population reaching 7 billion with lavish1 ceremonies for newborn infants symbolizing the milestone and warnings
3月4日,赛门铁克推出最新版本面向Windows的数据保护备份与恢复旗舰产品,包括赛门铁克Backup Exec System Recovery 8以及赛门铁克Backup Exec 12 for Windows Servers,为Win
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