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随着中国的改革开放,在市场经济大潮中,一代富有现代经营意识的企业家正在成长。上海申美有限公司总经理杨传信就是这样一位企业家。 他年轻有为、学识渊博、精明强干。他走马上任申美有限公司总经理时,该公司正濒临破产、资不抵债、人才流失。杨传信到申美公司后,进行全面整顿,一方面他从人员管理入手,仅半个月就写出了调查报告,找到症结所在,深得中外方领导的赞赏。他大刀阔斧,进行人员重新调配,理顺内部机制,使公司上下一条心;另一方面他从产品管理人手,不辞辛劳,与副总经理赵景霄一起四处奔走,搞市场调查。经调查,发现当时上海卫生巾行业中一个最大的弱点是消毒不彻底,卫生巾产品中有50%细菌超过标准的几倍到几十倍,严重损害了消费者的利益。杨传信毅然决定投资20万元引进一套环氧乙烷消毒设备。这样产品的成本提高了,获利减少了,但是杨传信认为,这是为了确保企业长久的生命力,最终获得更多的利益。他深知卫生纸过渡到卫 With China’s reform and opening up, a generation of entrepreneurs with modern management awareness is growing in the tide of the market economy. Yang Shen, general manager of Shanghai Shen Mei Co., Ltd. is such an entrepreneur. He is young, knowledgeable, shrewd and competent. When he took over as General Manager of Shenmei Co., Ltd., the company was on the verge of bankruptcy and was insolvent. Yang Chuan-shun to Shenmei company, conduct a comprehensive rectification, on the one hand he started from the personnel management, only half a month to write a survey report, find the crux of the problem, won the appreciation of Chinese and foreign leaders. He boldly carried out personnel redeployment, to rationalize the internal mechanism, so that the company up and down one mind; the other hand, he from the product management staff, worked tirelessly, and Deputy General Manager Zhao Jingxiao running around for market research. The survey found that one of the biggest weakness in the sanitary napkin industry in Shanghai at that time was that disinfection was not complete and that 50% of bacteria in sanitary napkin products exceeded the standard by several times to several dozen times, seriously damaging the interests of consumers. Yang Chuanxin decided to invest 200,000 yuan to introduce a set of ethylene oxide disinfection equipment. The cost of such a product is raised and the profit is reduced, but Yang Chuanxin believes that this is to ensure the long-term viability of the enterprise and ultimately benefit more. He knows the toilet paper transition to Wei
早产儿需摄入足够的热量和蛋白质才能保证正常的生长发育 ,而早产儿吸吮能力差、吞咽功能不协调 ,且胃肠功能发育尚不完善 ,喂养时易出现喂养不耐受及其相关疾病。因此 ,全面
6D—1一种烧碱的制备方法:用该方法制备烧碱,可解决劣质天然碱生产烧碱中会产生大量沉淀和收率低等问题,且工艺简单. 6D-1 A method for preparing caustic soda: caustic s