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在国际金融危机的冲击影响下,我国纺织工业出口面临巨大的挑战,产业的国际竞争力问题已突出地体现出来。本文对纺织业的国际竞争力绩效和竞争力影响因素进行了多方面的综合分析,指出了差距和主要问题所在,并提出了提升竞争力的政策建议。 中国纺织工业国际竞争力绩效 在研究产业国际竞争力过程中,绩效指标是比较容易统计和计量的指标,它对于直观地认识我国纺织工业总体国际竞争力及分析竞争力产生效果,进而溯本逐源分析竞争优势有很大帮助。本文选取纺织服装国际市场占有率、出口绩效指数、竞争力系数3个指标衡量纺织工业国际竞争能力的绩效水平。 1.国际市场占有率 中国纺织品国际市场占有率从80年代末开始一直保持持续增长的势头,除1990年略有下降外,呈逐年提高走势,且服装国际市场占有率提高更快。这一方面说明我国纺织品及服装具有强的国际竞争力, Under the influence of the impact of the international financial crisis, China’s textile industry exports are facing huge challenges, and the issue of international competitiveness of the industry has been highlighted. This article comprehensively analyzes the factors affecting the performance and competitiveness of the international competitiveness of the textile industry, points out the gaps and major problems, and proposes policy recommendations for improving competitiveness. In the process of researching the international competitiveness of the Chinese textile industry, performance indicators of the Chinese textile industry are indicators that are relatively easy to measure and measure. It provides an intuitive understanding of the overall international competitiveness of China’s textile industry and the analysis of its competitiveness. Source analysis of competitive advantage is very helpful. This article selects three indicators of the international market share of textile and clothing, export performance index and competitiveness index to measure the performance level of the international competitiveness of the textile industry. 1. International market share The share of China’s textiles in the international market has maintained a sustained growth since the end of the 1980s. Except for a slight decline in 1990, it has been increasing year by year, and the apparel international market share has increased faster. This shows that China’s textiles and clothing have strong international competitiveness.
广西位于祖国的南疆 ,历史上一直是个贫穷落后的地方 ,各种资源没有得到很好地开发利用。鸦片战争后 ,随着中西政治、经济、文化交往的日益深入 ,及广西战略地位的日益提高 ,政府和民众开始大力对其进行开发。在此过程中 ,矿业发挥了很大的作用