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近10年来,红外物理及其应用技术的研究获得了突飞猛进的发展。硫化铅、锑化铟等红外探测器早已被用于跟踪、制导武器系统及国民经济各部门;70年代中期取得重要进展的新型红外探测器——热释电器件,目前已被广泛用于红外报警、红外测温、红外电视、激光测量诸方面,在国民经济建设中发挥着日益重要的作用;60年代未、70年代初发展起来的碲镉汞红外探测器,已由单元发展到多元列阵与通用组件,成功地用于热成象系统,成为当今各种红外探测器中的佼佼者;红外热象仪是当代世界上三大传感器(雷达、电视、热象仪)之一,由于它在军事与国民经济建设中所显示的重要作用,受到各国政府及军方的高度重视,它正在被用于火控、夜视、观瞄、监测、制导及无损检测、医疗诊断、资源勘察与科学研究等各个方面。为反映10年来国内外红外技术的发展,本期选择了部分综述文摘,基本上以文章发表的先后为序,按“概述”、“应用”,“整机”,“器件”,“材料”5个专题汇编发表。此汇编虽然还难于全面反映10年来的发展全貌,但也可“管中窥豹”,略见一斑。它可以给广大读者展示出10年来国内外红外技术发展的概貌,为从事红外技术研究与应用部门的科技工作者提供一分参考资料。 In recent 10 years, the research of infrared physics and its application technology has made rapid development. Infrared detectors such as lead sulfide and indium antimonide have long been used to track and guide weapon systems and various departments of the national economy. A new type of infrared detector, pyroelectric device, has made significant progress in the mid-1970s, and has been widely used in infrared Alarm, infrared temperature measurement, infrared television, laser measurement and other aspects, plays an increasingly important role in the national economic construction; developed in the 1960s and early 1970s, the HgCdTe infrared detector has been developed from the unit to the multivariate column Array and common components, successfully used in thermal imaging systems, become the leader in a variety of infrared detectors today; infrared thermometer is the contemporary world’s three major sensors (radar, television, thermal imager), due to Its important role in the military and national economic construction has drawn great attention from governments and the military. It is being used in fire control, night vision, sightseeing, monitoring, guidance and non-destructive testing, medical diagnosis, resource exploration And other aspects of scientific research. In order to reflect the development of infrared technology both at home and abroad in the past 10 years, some summary abstracts have been selected in this issue, which are based on the order in which the articles are published, according to “Outline,” “Application,” “Complete Machine,” “Device,” “ 5 special compilation published. Although this compilation is still hard to fully reflect the overall picture of development over the past 10 years, it can also be ”overlooked" in the slightest. It can show readers the overview of the development of infrared technology at home and abroad over the past 10 years and provide a reference material for the scientific and technological workers engaged in the research and application of infrared technology.