中国技术 有财要“料”

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新材料,是一切高新技术的基础,所以任何一个技术的突破,都要首先从新材料开始。“十二五”期间,新材料产业的发展要以提高新材料产业自主创新能力为重点,以战略性新兴产业发展和国家重大工程建设亟需的关键材料为突破口,加快推进产业规模化发展,不断提高保障水平。新材料产业要紧紧围绕国民经济和社会发展重大需求,加大政策扶持力度,积极发展特种金属功能材料、高端金属结构材料、先进高分子材料、新型无机非金属材料、高性能复合材料和前沿新材料,组织实施一批重大工程和重点项目,促进产学研用一体化,推动材料升级换代。力争到2015年,建立起具备一定自主创新能力、规模较大、产业配套齐全的新材料产业体系,突破一批国家建设急需、引领未来发展的关键材料和技术,培育一批创新能力强、具有核心竞争力的骨干企业,形成一批布局合理、特色鲜明、产业集聚的新材料产业基地。新材料产业有无限光明的“钱途”。 New materials, is all high-tech foundation, so any one of the technological breakthroughs, we must first start with new materials. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the development of new material industry should focus on improving the capability of independent innovation of new material industry. Taking the key materials that are urgently needed for the development of strategic emerging industries and major national projects as a breakthrough point, we will speed up the industrial scale Development, continuously improve the level of protection. The new material industry should focus on major national economic and social development needs, increase policy support, and actively develop special metal functional materials, high-end metal structural materials, advanced polymer materials, new inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance composite materials and cutting-edge new Materials, organize the implementation of a number of major projects and key projects to promote the integration of industry, academia and research to promote the upgrading of materials. Strive to establish a new material industrial system with certain independent innovation capacity, large scale and complete industrial support by 2015, break through a number of key materials and technologies urgently needed by the country in building and leading the future development and foster a group of innovative materials and technologies Core competitiveness of key enterprises, the formation of a number of rational layout, distinctive features, industrial agglomeration of new materials industry base. New materials industry has infinite light “money way ”.
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在我们小区,臭臭是一只非常受欢迎的狗狗。不论谁看见它,都会停下来逗逗它。它的大名可以说是家喻户晓,俨然是小区里的“大明星”。 In our district, stink is a very popu
位于台北市热闹繁华的大安路上的Hair Culture发廊,是一间以时尚与建筑元素强力打造的顶级发廊。由于位于一座公寓楼的一、二两层,发廊还享有了两个小而精致的庭院,大一些的
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教学改革的步伐已走过近十年了,这期间笔者立足课堂教学在探求与摸索中前行,在学习与实践中反思。笔者体会到,音乐教育的目标不应是面向部分学生,培养有音乐专业知识和技能的“专才”生,而是面向全体学生,培养具有音乐审美能力、审美情感和审美体验的“全才”生。  音乐课是实施素质教育的重要阵地,是适应素质教育的要求,面向全体学生、以学生发展为本,培养学生的人文精神和审美能力,促进学生健全人格的形成,为促进他们