谁抓住了人才,谁就抓住了未来。石油物探局地调二处的领导深谙此理。 10年来,地调二处在国内外施工中创造了一个又一个新水平。前不久,该处施工队又在塔里木盆地石油会战中创旬上129公里的好成绩,刷新了塔里木地震勘探10多年来的最高纪录。了解内情的人知道,这都是注重培养人才、科学使用人才的结果。 “重视人才是企业大展宏图的首要条件。”这是二处处长赵瑞平和党委书记刘明文的共同体会。 地调二处在1979年就憋足劲儿要“到世界上去争冠军”。为实现
Whoever catches the talent will seize the future. The leaders of the Department of Petroleum Exploration and Geophysics have profound knowledge of this matter. In the past 10 years, the second quarter of the year has created one new level in domestic and foreign construction. Not long ago, the construction team also scored 129 kilometers of good results in the oil campaign in the Tarim Basin, refreshing the highest record of the Tarim seismic exploration in more than a decade. Those who know the inside know that this is the result of focusing on cultivating talent and using science talent. “Taking talents as a priority is the primary condition for the company’s grand development.” This is the joint experience of the director of the two divisions Zhao Ruiping and party secretary Liu Mingwen. In 1979, the tone of the second tone was to “go to the world to compete for championship.” To achieve