Analysis of Father and Daughter in Absalom, Absalom!

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William Faulkner is a world-famous American novelist.Absalom,Absalom!is a story which happened in the southern United States,and it tells a family’s experience of rising and falling from 1860 to 1910.Faulkner gave a very vivid depiction and description of the characters to profoundly show the conflict between people and people,and the conflict between people and their inner world,touching the universal problems which are related to the condition of human beings.Through Sutpen,the representative of the old South,Faulkner showed his attitudes towards the old South,the racism.In his eyes,the old South was destined to fail and to decay because of the evil and rotten racism and tradition of this land.While through Judith,the daughter of Sutpen,Faulkner made the readers see the hope and future of a new world,the new South after civil war. William Faulkner is a world-famous American novelist. Absalom! Is a story which happened in the southern United States, and it tells a family’s experience of rising and falling from 1860 to 1910. Faulkner gave a very vivid depiction and description of the characters to profoundly show the conflict between people and people, and the conflict between people and their inner world, touching the universal problems which are related to the condition of human beings. Through Sutpen, the representative of the old South, Faulkner showed his attitudes towards the old South, the racism. His eyes, the old South was destined to fail and to decay because of the evil and rotten racism and tradition of this land. How through Judith, the daughter of Sutpen, Faulkner made the readers see the hope and future of a new world, the new South after civil war.
The picture of Dorian Gray is the classic work of Oscar Wilde,the representative personage of Aestheticism.Since the novel was published in 1891,scholars have b
陶行知是我国著名的教育家。他立足于实际生活提出了“生活即教育”“六大解放”等诸多具有进步意义又旗帜鲜明的教育思想,对我国教育事业的发展做出了卓越的贡献。因此,本文立足于幼儿教育现状,谈谈陶行知教育思想指导下的幼儿教育策略,旨在提升幼儿教育的质量。  理论实践结合,促使教学合一  1925年,陶行知在南开大学演讲时曾提出过“教学做合一”的教育理念,这一理念倡导的是将理念与实践相结合,注重教学的统一。