Studies of tunable electron beam pumped excimer lasers

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Recently there has been considerable interest in diatomic and triatomic excimerlasers capable of UV and visible wavelength tunability.In this report the characteristicsof two new blue-green electron beam pumped lasers,XeF (C→A) and Xe_2 Cllwill be described.The experiments were carried out in a stainless steel cell attached to the field emissiondiode of a Pulserad 110 electron beam generator.A beam of 1 Mev electrons witha pulsewidth of 10 nsec (FWHM) and a current density of 0.8 KA/cm~2 was injected tran-sversely into the laser medium through a 50 micron thick titanium foil over an area of Recently there has been considerably interested in diatomic and triatomic excimerlasers capable of UV and visible wavelength tunability. This report the characteristics of two new blue-green electron beam pumped lasers, XeF (C → A) and Xe_2 Cllwill be described. Experiments were carried out of a stainless steel cell attached to the field emission diode of a Pulserad 110 electron beam generator. A beam of 1 Mev electrons witha pulsewidth of 10 nsec (FWHM) and a current density of 0.8 KA / cm 2 was injected tran- sversely into the laser medium through a 50 micron thick titanium foil over an area of
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刘人怀,1940年生,四川省成都 市新繁镇人。1958年就读于兰州大学 数学系,1963年毕业并留校任教。 1978年起,先后在中国科技大学、上 海工业大学任教。1981年获西德洪堡 研究
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