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可见光摄影图像直观清晰,分辨力高,信息量大,是地球观测卫星取得信息的重要手段。图像的清晰度和综合分辨力是由多种因素决定的,除镜头和胶片等因素外,星—地相对运动和卫星转动引起的图像运动是造成图像清晰度变坏,分辨力降低的一个重要因素。由于摄影时刻的图像运动是由卫星的空间运动和卫星的转动运动及相机参数等决定的,所以当卫星轨道参数和相机参数已知时可以用星载计算机进行计算和控制。大量研究结果表明:星—地航向和横向运动引起的图像运动能够精确计算和控制;星—地径向运动引起的图像运动能够精确计算,但目前尚难以精确控制;卫星姿态运动引起的图像运动能够精确计算,一般可采用控制摄影稳定平台的办法进行控制。本文将叙述用星载计算机计算和控制图像运动的方法。 Visible photographic images are intuitive and clear, with high resolution and large amount of information, which is an important means for obtaining information from Earth observation satellites. Image sharpness and comprehensive resolution is determined by a variety of factors, in addition to the lens and film and other factors, the relative motion of the satellite and the satellite rotation caused by the image movement is the result of deteriorating the image clarity, resolution is an important reduction factor. Since the image motion at the moment of photography is determined by the space motion of the satellite and the rotational movement of the satellite and the camera parameters, the on-board computer can be used to calculate and control the satellite orbit parameters and camera parameters when they are known. Numerous research results show that the image motion caused by star-ground heading and lateral motion can be accurately calculated and controlled. The image motion caused by star-ground radial motion can be accurately calculated, but it is difficult to accurately control the motion of the image caused by satellite attitude motion Can be accurately calculated, the general control of photography can be stabilized platform approach to control. This article describes how to use the onboard computer to calculate and control image motion.
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编辑同志: 我儿子12岁时,因患病后治疗不及时,留下了残疾,生活不能自理。现在我们也已经年老,请问,在我们去世后,他的法定扶养人应当是谁? 银川市:温海温海同志: 我国《残疾
棉纺厂轶事  窗子会沿着楼梯爬上去  嵌在墙壁合适的位置。  隔着几幢楼,烟囱知道一切故事。  它随风  改变侧身而坐的姿势  和路过的云谈心。  一个不会游泳的救生员  永远的铁短裤。  夏天来了,才会漆上蓝白条纹。  他打铁  用纺织女工的搪瓷碗碎片  打出广玉兰的全副盔甲。  而那棵树从未做出过鱼跃的动作。  我们往宿舍楼楼顶丢石子  更希望  落在女孩子们的床上。  早晨,厨娘端着一盆煤球
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