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  I’m here, you’re there
  But your love is with me everywhere I go This I know
  I’m near you’re far
  Driving away in your little car
  But my love will follow you everywhere
  Best believe I’ll make mistakes
  But love won’t stop, it has no brakes[刹车]*Strong is what we are
  Whenever we’re apart
  I’ll be right where you are
  I’m in your heart
  So don’t you worry about a thing
  Or all the miles in between
  You had my heart
  You had it from the start*
  I’ll love you from afar[在远处]
  I hear them say
  That what we have may fade away[逐渐消失]
  But I refuse
  We’ll never lose
  They say it’s a case of the honeymoon phase[蜜月期] But I just smile
  ’Cause I know this will last a while
  Understand you’ll make mistakes
  But love won’t stop it has no brakes
  I’ll love you from afar or near
  And everywhere, I know that you will still be there
  Deep inside my heart, inside my heart
  I’ll love you from afar
  我向来不太看好异地恋,虽说距离产生美,但远距离也会产生疏远和误会。你受了委屈,他却不在你身边;你想他想得心如刀绞,却怎么也见不到、触不到他;你一个人吃饭,一个人逛街……这样的爱情,很难维持。都说相爱容易相守难,在爱情最需要维护的时候,距离,就成了最大的关卡。但如果双方都抱着“非君不嫁,非汝不娶”的心,对彼此有着强大的信任,细心维护,用心“相守”,那么这段感情定能走向美好。连时间和空间都无法阻挡,又有什么可以打倒他们呢?伴着简单的木吉他,亚裔美籍美女Carissa Rae把这首清新民谣演绎得尤为“舒服”。没错,就是舒服,整首歌仿佛冬日暖阳般让人舒服得眯起眼睛。这样一首把舒服演绎到极致的歌曲,绝对经得起无限次的单曲循环。
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