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  When I was a kid back in Ecuador, I used to be addicted[沉溺于……的] to the Internet. I’d spend thousands of hours sitting like a zombie[僵尸] in front of a computer, just watching videos of funny squirrels, or cats.
  I used to observe my sister, who is six years older than me, spend time on Myspace and Hotmail. I felt really curious because she seemed happy when she was sitting at the computer.
  But I also saw my friends and sister having problems online, with bullying[欺凌] and gossip. My friends used to fight about dumb[笨的] topics like which were the best football teams.
  I have found that people who are always in front of computers are likely to be shy in person. I’ve had friends who are really expressive when they write online, but face-to-face they’re afraid to speak up. That used to happen to me sometimes, but I thought about it and decided to change. I think it’s important to face other people and speak up for yourself.
  I’m a Flintstone注1
  I was also frustrated[受挫折的] because of groups like hipsters[赶时髦的人] and headbangers[随着音乐猛烈摇头的人] that were on these social networks. In real life, some of them were really nice people. But I didn’t like the way some of these people would proclaim[宣布] all day on the social networks that they were different, but weren’t doing anything to actually achieve it.
  When I was 15, I stopped going on social networks because I really felt tired of all the people in there. It could be because I’m a Flintstone and I do not get it, or maybe I’m just not a social person. But I didn’t want to be like everyone I saw on social media, promoting themselves as original[原创的] when they just copied what everyone else was doing online.
  A Fuller Life
  I stopped checking and chatting on forums. It was a gradual process[过程]. I checked e-mail accounts twice a week, the next month just once a week, and eventually[最后], almost never.
  After I deleted all my accounts, I began to approach my life in a different way.
  Since childhood I had been interested in creative things, like painting, photography, origami[折纸手工], and playing musical instruments. I also started doing more sports, like basketball and skateboarding. I discovered that the nicest parts of my life were those that didn’t include any electronic devices[设备].
  I wanted to try living my life without too much materialism[物质主义]. I started meditating[冥想], and trying to achieve things that were meaningful to me. Later that year, I discovered that I had a strong connection to music and started learning to play the guitar.   I’ve always admired people who are creative or talented because they spent time practicing. I think that real artists and leaders don’t spend all day sitting in front of a computer holding their cell phone. If you want to change, you have to work for it. So many advertisements try to make us believe that accumulating[积聚,堆积] things makes us important or creative, but I look up to people like Nelson Mandela注2 and Martin Luther King Jr.注3, who turned their ideals into actions.
  Stupid Images
  I don’t reject the Internet completely; it can be really useful. YouTube and Skype are revolutionary instruments for communicating, whether with your friends or with thousands of people around the world.
  But I feel that we waste our time being bombarded[轰击] with stupid images. Some people are really obsessed[头脑被……所占据] with how they look or how many friends they have on social networks. While it is okay to want to share photos, you don’t have to post pictures detailing every second of your life.
  It’s not just the obsession with our physical image. I’m also concerned about the fact that people seldom take the time to present their thoughts carefully when they communicate online. There are intelligent and creative people using the Internet who have important things to say, but they are often drowned out by more superficial[肤浅的] stuff.
  Depth and Beauty
  Learning to live without over-using the Internet has been a process. Last year my family and I moved to New York, so I use Skype to contact my relatives in Ecuador. But because I’m not on social media and rarely check e-mail, I’m the last one to get news about my family and that makes me sad. I also lost touch with my friends from Ecuador. Sometimes I feel socially isolated, but then I realize that it is worth it. It gives me time to appreciate things that are really important to me.
  The Internet and computers can be a source of good information, collaboration[协作], and inspiration if we use them wisely. However, I believe that if you spend a lot of time online, you are depriving[剥夺] yourself of deep thoughts. And you might miss out on many of life’s most beautiful things.
  我发现经常坐在电脑前的人很可能比较害羞。我有些朋友在网上写东西的时候确实很会表达自己,但面对面交流的时候却不敢发言。我以前有时也会这样,但我思考过这个问题,决定做出改变。我认为面对其他人说出自己的想法很重要。   我是“原始人”
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Billy Crystal...Mike Wazowski  John Goodman...James P. Sullivan/Sulley  Helen Mirren...Dean Hardscrabble  Peter Sohn...Scott Squibbles  Joel Murray...Don Carlton  Charlie Day...Art  Steve Buscemi...Ra
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