
来源 :云南水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackwang02
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澜沧江中下游河段是我国近期重点开发的水电能源基地之一.这个河段首先开发的里湾水电站一期工程已经建成,另外五个主要水电站的开发建设和前期工作已全面辅开.小湾水电站规模巨大,又具有良好的调节性能,可以对下游各电站乃至云南电力系统内的水电站群发挥巨大的补偿效益,是澜沧江中、下游水电能源基地的关键工程,也是理顺云南电力系统电源结构不合理状况的关健性工程.小湾水电站的技术经济指标是好的,国民经济内部收益率为17.3%,财务内部收益率为16.54%,小湾水电站还有拦沙、防洪、航运、替代燃煤等社会和环境效益. The middle and lower reach of the Minjiang River is one of the most important hydropower energy bases in China recently. The first phase of the Liwan Hydropower Project that was first developed in this reach has been completed, and the development and construction of the other five major hydropower stations have been fully complemented. The Xiaowan hydropower station is huge in size and has good regulation performance. It can play a huge compensation benefit for the downstream hydropower stations and even the hydropower stations within the Yunnan power system. It is a key project for the hydropower energy base in the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River, and it also rationalizes the Yunnan power system. The irrational condition of the power structure is a key project. The technical and economic indicators of Xiaowan Hydropower Station are good, the internal rate of return of the national economy is 17.3%, and the financial internal rate of return is 16.54%. The Xiaowan Hydropower Station also has social protection such as sand interception, flood control, navigation and alternative coal burning. Environmental benefits.
有关人士分析认为,我国低速电机应用前景广阔。 一般低速电机是指每分钟转速在几十转以下的电动机。它的定子为一般结构,嵌有励磁绕组,转子则由柔性材料制成。运转中,转子作
1 前言 精细化工工业,是新兴的产业,同基本化工、石油化工、煤化工具有同等重要的地位。科技的进步、生产的发展、人民生活水平的提高,对精细化工的发展不断提出新的要求,而
本文就航空发动机产业发展中的市场、高技术与产业化、民与军、集团化等问题作了探讨。 This article discusses issues such as market, high-tech and industrialization,
中国长江三峡工程开发总公司与三峡工程的经济效益既相互联系,又有所区别。深入探讨和认识这一问题,可以促进三峡总公司的管理工作。 The economic benefits of the China Thr