
来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulb
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普过矮缩病(以下简称普矮)和黄矮病(即暂黄病,以下简称黄矮)是七十年代以来,我国南方稻区发生较为普遍,曾在闽、浙、赣、皖、湘、滇、粤等省部分地区一度流行,造成损失甚大的两种病毒病。长江中、下游地区,两病主要由黑尾叶蝉传播,治虫防病固然有效,但投入人力物力较多,有时还收不到应有的效果。因此,防治这类病害也和防治稻瘟病等病害一样,必需以抗病品种为基础。遗憾的是,从大量水稻品种中很难筛选出同时高抗两病的可靠材料;且两种病毒致病力均有分化现象,即不同毒株致病力不尽相同。为此,笔者除鉴定农家水稻品种抗性而外,还从国内野生稻(Oryzasativa L·f·sportanea)中筛选抗源,初步获得了可喜的效果,现简报如下: Since the 1970s, common short dwarf diseases (hereinafter referred to as PU dwarf) and yellow dwarf diseases (that is, temporary yellow disease, hereinafter referred to as HUANG dwarf) have been more common in the rice planting areas in southern China and have been widely distributed in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan, Yunnan, Guangdong and other parts of the province was once popular, causing great loss of two kinds of virus disease. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the two diseases are mainly spread by the black leafhopper, pest control disease is effective, but more human and material resources, sometimes not receive the desired effect. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of such diseases are also the same as the prevention and control of rice blast diseases and other diseases, and must be based on resistant varieties. Unfortunately, it is difficult to screen out reliable materials with high resistance to both diseases from a large number of rice varieties. The pathogenicity of both viruses is differentiated, that is, the virulence of different strains varies. Therefore, in addition to identifying the resistance of peasant rice varieties, the author also screened the source of resistance from domestic wild rice (Oryzasativa L. f sportanea) and initially achieved encouraging results. The briefing is as follows:
印度安得拉邦的甘蔗试验场培育出2个抗赤腐病的高糖高产品种——CoA7601和CoA602,经过三个试验季度的接种,试验证明能抗赤腐病后在维扎加帕塔姆地区推广。 CobA7601平均含糖
背景:  随着饮食习惯和生活方式的改变,2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)的患病率较前明显升高。非酒精性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease,NAFLD)与颈动脉粥样
红薯在贮藏中发生烂薯是多年来没有解决好的问题,以往常常是红薯丰收之年烂薯多。今年我省前期雨水调匀,红薯获得丰收。因此,做好红薯贮藏工作,防止烂薯,是一件大事。 据不完