
来源 :中国考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laq_sky
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本期刊登的2000年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试试题(含参考答案),包括:“3+2”考试全国卷8科,“3+2”考试形式中按照新课程命题的试卷7科(英语使用全国卷);参加“3+X”考试改革的浙江、江苏、吉林3省的文科综合和理科综合试卷、山西省按新课程命题的文科综合和理科综合试卷共4份(上述4省的语、数、外分别与“3+2”中的语、数、外卷相同);广东省的文、理跨学科大综合1份,共计试卷20份。一年一度的高考已经结束了。教育改革、考试改革在过去的一年里牵动着我们每一个人的心,即将进入高三学习的同学和教师尤为关注在这个大背景下制作的近5套全国统一考试试卷,是很正常的。在这里,我们把其中具有代表性的几套汇编起来,既为方便您查阅、参考,使您对考试内容与形式改革所带来的高考试卷变化有更多的感性认识,同时,也是为了您更方便的使用这本杂志。因为在此后的各期里,我们将有针对性地、重点对2000年试题、试卷作分析、研究、辅导、指导。明年初,我们还将及时刊登2001年春季高考试卷、2001年全国保送生综合能力测试题,为您随时了解有关信息提供帮助。 The 2000 national college entrance examination national examination questions (including reference answers) published in this issue include: “3+2” examination national volume 8 subjects, according to the new curriculum proposition in the “3+2” examination form Examination papers 7 subjects (English use national volumes); Comprehensive exams for arts and sciences in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Jilin provinces participating in the “3+X” exam reform; Shanxi Province Comprehensive and liberal arts science examination papers according to the new curriculum proposition Four copies (the words, numbers, and numbers of the above four provinces are the same as the words, numbers, and volumes of the “3+2”); Guangdong Province has a comprehensive interdisciplinary and comprehensive 20 papers. The annual college entrance examination is over. In the past year, education reforms and exam reforms have affected everyone’s hearts. It is normal for students and teachers who are about to enter the third grade to pay special attention to the five sets of national examination papers produced under this background. Here, we compile several representative sets of them, which are not only for your convenience but also for your reference, so that you have more perceptual knowledge of the changes in the examination papers brought about by the reform of the content and format of the test, and at the same time, It is more convenient to use this magazine. Because in the subsequent period, we will focus on, focus on the 2000 test questions, test papers for analysis, research, counseling, guidance. At the beginning of next year, we will also timely publish the 2001 Spring High Test Paper and the National Comprehensive Test Abilities for Baosheng Students in 2001 to help you understand relevant information at any time.
一、阅读下文 ,完成 10 7— 110题。回雁峰 ,南岳七十二峰之首 ,北雁南飞 ,到此为止 ,故而得名。宋之问的《题大庚岭北驿》中有 :“阳月南飞雁 ,传闻至此归。”柳宗元过衡山
提高学生的思想素质与能力是语文教学的目标之一 ,教学艺术和方法是实现这一教学目标的途径和桥梁。语文教学首先要重视学生思想素质的培养。没有良好的思想素质 ,就没有高尚
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