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新近问世的30余万字的《奕訢慈禧政争记》是继董守义的同等篇幅的《恭亲王奕訢大传》之后,宝成关关于恭亲王奕訢研究的又一部力作,从而在清史学界形成了一个小小的但又很引人注目的“奕訢热”。奕訢和慈禧自1861年联合发动辛酉政变,推翻顾命制度,处死载垣、端华、肃顺,夺得清廷最高统治权力之后,直至1898年戊戌变法之前奕訢病逝,两人之间从联合到矛盾冲突,暗斗明争从未间断,成为清廷统治集团内部矛盾斗争的焦点,直接关系到清王朝的治乱得失与兴衰荣辱。因此,奕訢与慈禧之间的政争,就成为研究中国近代政治史、揭示晚清政局演变的规律与特点所不可或缺的重大课题。作者在撰写本书时,以奕訢的生平为范围,以奕訢、慈禧间的政争为主线,着重考察奕訢集团的兴起,奕沂同慈禧从联合到冲突的始末,揭示这一政争对中国近 The newly published 300,000 words of “Yi Xin Xin Empress Dowager Xi Zheng Ji” is the same length, following Dong Shouyi's “Prince Gong Yi Xin Yan Biography,” Bao Chengguan Prince Gong Yi on the study of another masterpiece, thus in the history of the Qing Dynasty Formed a small but very compelling “Yi Xin hot.” After Yi Xin and Empress jointly launched the coup of XUYU in 1861, overthrowing the system of Gu Ming and killing Yuangong, Duan Hua and Su Shun and winning the supreme power of the Qing court, Ixin died before the Reform Movement of 1898, From the coalition to the conflicts and the endless struggle between the secret forces and the enemy, it became the focus of the contradictions and struggles within the Qing ruling group and directly related to the pros and cons of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the political struggle between Yi Xin and Empress Xi has become an indispensable major issue for studying the political history of modern China and revealing the laws and characteristics of the political evolution in the late Qing Dynasty. The author at the time of writing this book, to Yi Xin's life as the scope, to Yi Xin, Empress of politics as the main line, focusing on the rise of Yi Xin Group, Yi Yi and Empress together from the beginning to the end of the conflict, to reveal the political debate China