Conservation of weathered historic sandstone with biomimetic apatite

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xb_wonder
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The conservation of weathered historic sandstone with apatite was studied.Based on the growth mechanism of bone,calcium and phosphorus were introduced into weathered sandstone and then mineralized at room temperature.The conservation efficiency was investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),selected area electron diffraction(SAED),X-ray diffraction(XRD),and compressive strength,capillary water uptake,water vapor permeability and weather resistance tests.The SEM,EDX,TEM,SAED and XRD results showed that the produced hydroxyapatite could reunite the weathered stone blocks and provide sufficient reinforcement to hold them together.The results of the various tests indicated that the compressive strength and weather resistance of the treated samples was improved significantly.In addition,because of the porous nature of apatite,the water vapor permeability of the treated stone was not affected and its breathability was maintained. The conservation of weathered historic sandstone with apatite was studied. Based on the growth mechanism of bone, calcium and phosphorus were introduced into weathered sandstone and then mineralized at room temperature. Conservation efficiency was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and compressive strength, capillary water uptake, water vapor permeability and weather resistance tests. SEM, EDX, TEM, SAED and XRD results showed that produced hydroxyapatite could reunite the weathered stone blocks and provide sufficient reinforcement to hold them together. The results of the various tests that that compressive strength and weather resistance of the treated samples was improved significantly. In addition, because of the porous nature of apatite, the water vapor permeability of the treated stone was not affected and its breat hability was maintained.
【内容摘要】物理和化学这两门学科都是以实验为基础的学科,尤其是化学,更是需要以诸多的实验作为依托,来提高学生的操作能力,使学生积极动手、动脑,切实通过实验来激发学生的化学学习兴趣,深化化学学习内容。为此,本文将从三个方面对化学实验教学的开展进行研究,以供参考。  【关键词】高中化学 实验教学 多媒体  新的高中化學课程标准明确指出:“通过实验探究,掌握基本的化学实验技能和方法,进一步体验实验探究的
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