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目的了解珙县燃煤污染型地氟病改炉降氟效果,为持续巩固防治措施和消除燃煤型氟中毒危害提供依据。方法在珙县5个乡镇各抽取1个病区村,每个村抽取10户农户,逐户了解炉灶质量、使用和维修情况,对家庭主妇进行健康知识问卷调查。在5个乡各抽取1个病区村小学,Dean法检查8~12岁儿童氟斑牙,氟离子选择电极法检测儿童尿氟,并进行健康教育知晓问卷调查。结果 5个病区村共调查50户,改良炉使用率为92%,沼气炉使用率为36%,电热器使用率为42%,其中1个村改良炉完好率70%,其余4个村改良炉完好率100%,自行维修率33.33%。改良灶使用率为48%,沼气灶使用率为36%,电炊具使用率为64%,改良灶完好率60%,改良灶自行维修率30%。儿童氟斑牙总检出率29.41%,氟斑牙指数0.60,流行程度为边缘。家庭主妇、学生防治知识知晓率分别为64.50%和75.80%。检测尿氟255份,尿范围0.37~2.08 mg/L,几何均值为0.66 mg/L。结论珙县的改炉降氟措施达到防治氟中毒效果,病情得到了控制。但炉灶损坏较严重,主动维修率低,病区群众防治知识知晓率不高,需进一步加强项目后期管理和健康教育,完善改良灶维修网点,使改炉降氟效果得到持续控制。 Objective To understand the fluoride-reducing effect of dust-polluted floor-to-floor fluoridosis in Juxian County, and provide the basis for consolidating prevention measures and eliminating the hazards of coal-burning fluorosis. Methods One ward village was sampled from 5 townships in Pixian County. Ten farmers were selected from each village to understand the quality, usage and maintenance of the stoves, and questionnaire about the health of housewives was conducted. One ward village primary school was selected in each of the five townships. Dental fluoroscopy was performed in children aged 8-12 years by Dean method and urinary fluoride in children by fluoride ion selective electrode method. Health education was conducted to investigate the questionnaire. Results A total of 50 villages were surveyed in 5 wards. The utilization rate of improved furnaces was 92%, the utilization rate of biogas furnaces was 36% and the utilization rate of electric heaters was 42%. Among them, 1 village improved furnaces were in good condition and the other 4 villages Improve the furnace intact rate of 100%, self-repair rate of 33.33%. Improved stove usage was 48%, biogas utilization was 36%, electric cooker usage was 64%, improved stove good condition 60%, improved stove repair 30%. The total detectable rate of dental fluorosis in children was 29.41%, the dental fluorosis index was 0.60, and the prevalence was marginal. Housewife, student awareness of prevention and control of knowledge were 64.50% and 75.80%. 255 urine samples were tested for urinary fluoride, 0.37 ~ 2.08 mg / L urine, and the geometric mean was 0.66 mg / L. Conclusion Pi County furnace fluoride measures to prevent and cure fluoride poisoning effect, the disease has been brought under control. However, more serious damage to the stove, take the initiative to repair the low rate of ward knowledge of prevention and control of the masses is not high, the project needs to be further strengthened management and health education, improve the stove repair outlets, the furnace to achieve sustained effect of fluoride control.
目的: 观察小儿肾母细胞瘤p16基因启动子区有无甲基化及有甲基化者与组织类型和预后之间关系. 方法: 20例肾母细胞瘤(5例肾组织作对照)进行甲基化观察, 使用三种内切酶分别为Fnu D Ⅱ、 Sac Ⅱ、 Hpa Ⅱ. 结果: 肿瘤组有6例出现甲基化(对照组无甲基化), 除1例属于预后良好型(FH)之外, 余5例均属预后不良型(UH).甲基化与组织类型有关. 随访结果有甲基化病例(UH组), 1
目的: 探讨肿瘤内微血管计数(MVC)在肾母细胞瘤中的意义.方法: 应用免疫组化染色对38例肾母细胞瘤进行回顾性研究. 结果: ①预后差的间变型较预后好的各型MVC均显著增高(P?.05), 胚芽型较上皮型MVC亦显著增高(P?.05). ②晚期病例较早期者MVC显著增高(P?.001). ③生存组与死亡组MVC有显著差异, 前者较低(P?.001); 高MVC组较低MVC组的生存率明显降低(P=
目的: 探讨Ha-ras癌基因蛋白pH-ras21在小儿神经母细胞瘤中的作用机制及临床意义. 方法: 利用免疫组织化学方法检测小儿神经母细胞瘤中的pH-ras21表达情况.结果: 19例神经母细胞瘤中pH-ras21表达阳性率为89.0%, 其中早期病例(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)表达增强, 强阳性率(++、 +++)为100%; 晚期病例(Ⅲ、Ⅳ期)表达较弱, 强阳性率(++、 +++)仅为33.3%. 节细胞
目的建立石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定面粉中镉不确定度的方法。方法以GB/T5009.15-2003石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定面粉中镉含量为例,根据JJF 1059-1999技术规范要求,分析该测定