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  Bulgaria, Old Friend Eyes New Friendship with China
   By Sun Yongjian
  Bulgaria, one of the earliest countries to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1949, joined the European Union(UN) on January 1, 2007. In 2009, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the China-Bulgaria diplomatic relations. For this event, Asia Fortune Forum interviewed H.E.Mr. Georgi Peychinov,Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
  Asia Fortune Forum: Would you give us your opinion on the current situation of the economic and trade cooperation between China and Bulgaria?
  Georgi Peychinov: According to the Bulgarian statistical data the trade turnover between Bulgaria and China in 2007 was US$925.5 million, out of which the Bulgarian export to China was 94.5 million and the Chinese export to Bulgaria was US$830.7 million, i.e. we had a trade deficit of more than US$730 million. There is a noticeable trend of increasing the turnover on year to year basis in the recent years and consequently in the increasing of the Bulgarian trade deficit. The main groups of Bulgarian goods exported to China are products of the primary industries - metals, chemicals, etc. Of course we see that this is in correspondence with the overall situation in the commercial exchange between China and the world but that does not give us grounds for satisfaction. In our opinion there is much bigger potential for the development of the trade exchange and particularly for the development of the Bulgarian exports to China.
  In this line of thoughts we appreciate the position of the concerned Chinese authorities in their desire to stimulate the imports from the developed countries and particularly from the European Union member states, based of course on the fair competition, organizing different promotional activities and events so that the Chinese business circles can get acquainted with the export potential of their EU partners.
  Asia Fortune Forum: According to your opinion, are there any new opportunities to be eyed in the coming years, as the Olympic Year in Beijing and the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010?
  Georgi Peychinov: Events like the Beijing Olympics and the World Expo in Shanghai will naturally create plenty of favorable opportunities for the overall enhancement of multilateral exchange in the fields of trade, economy, sports, culture, tourism, etc., and in particular for the development of bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and China. Beijing has already attracted many foreign investors and tourists, more and more Bulgarians are also coming to visit the city in recent years, and by the time of the Olympics all the international attention will be focused upon the capital of China. In my opinion, the Beijing Olympics will give the world a chance to gain a true impression of China’s modern development and its future perspectives, thus contributing to the improvement of mutual understanding. I am convinced that the games will be an exciting event and I wish every success to the Bulgarian and Chinese athletes.
  As for the International Expo in Shanghai, it should be viewed as an important platform for the future development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Bulgaria has already confirmed its participation in the expo and is now focusing on the preparation in close collaboration with our Consulate General in Shanghai.
  Asia Fortune Forum:Would you give any suggestions to the Chinese Authorities to encourage the inland investment in China and enhance the bilateral business cooperation?
  Georgi Peychinov:We think that the Chinese authorities both on national and provincial level are doing very well their job attracting foreign direct investments. The figures for the last years show that these investments continue to grow.
  On the other hand we notice in the last years the trend of increasing the Chinese investments abroad as a way of using the accumulated very big foreign currency reserve. In a probable scenario that the Chinese export will continue to grow – and we must confess this process is to the mutual benefit of both producers and importers – we consider that an active involvement of China in FDI in other countries can appropriately offset the negative effects of the trade deficit.
  In this respect our estimate is that the volume of the Chinese investments in Bulgaria is not satisfactory. After Bulgaria started its way from centrally planned to market economy in the early 90's of last century it has totally transformed it and now Bulgaria has an approved market economy status.
  Being a full member of the European Union from January 1st, 2007, havinga stableannual growth rate of the GDP of more than 6%, enjoying one of the best tax environments in Europe ( with only 10 % corporate tax, being 0% for many municipalities with an unemployment rate higher than the average of countryand10% "flat" income tax and the possibility to export the profits ), our ambition is to draw the attention of the concerned Chinese authorities and the business circles of China, both government and private, to the bright prospects of investing in Bulgaria. Because they must not forget that by investing in Bulgaria now they are investing in the market with a tremendous potential of the European Union.
  It is great pleasure for me to address and to convey my warmest regards to the readers and the friends of Asia Fortune Forum!
  Bulgaria as a friendly country fully supports 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Taking into account the excellent job done by the Chinese authorities in preparing for the Games I am firmly confident that 2008 Olympics will process smoothly and successfully.
  I am very glad to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes for both the Chinese and the Bulgarian Olympic teams and wish them successful attendance.
  能够借此机会向 《亚洲财富论坛》 的读者们致以最亲切的问候,我深感荣幸!
   ——保加利亚驻华特命全权大使 格奥尔基·佩伊奇诺夫
  The people of Tanzania are sharing the moments of deep sorrow and grief with their Chinese brothers and sister, and are full of expectation for the tremendous success of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in August. We wish Asia Fortune Forum a splendid future.
  对于中国的兄弟姐妹们在地震中所遭受的苦难,我们坦桑尼亚人民感同身受!尽管如此,我们对于北京成功举办2008年夏季奥运会充满信心和期待。我们祝愿 《亚洲财富论坛》 越办越好!
   ——坦桑尼亚联合共和国驻华特命全权大使 奥马尔·拉马丹·马普里
  Please accept my best wishes for a very successful 2008 Beijing Olympics in August. I look forward to further success of Asia Fortune Forum。.
  请接受我对友好的中国人民最诚挚的问候,并预祝北京奥运会成功!同时,我希望 《亚洲财富论坛》 再创佳绩!
  ——伊拉克使馆临时代办 拉希姆·阿里·阿卜坦
  I would also offer my full support and best wishes for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and I am sure that China will host a wonderful and successful Olympic Games in Beijing, August 2008. I believe that Asia Fortune Forum will win a full success in its mission.
  我将全力支持2008年北京奥运会。我相信,8月在北京召开的第29届夏季奥运会将成为历史上最成功的奥运会。我相信,《亚洲财富论坛》 将充分履行其使命,并取得圆满成功!
  ——卡塔尔国驻华特命全权大使 阿卜杜拉·穆夫塔赫
  I would like to offer my full support for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. I have full confidence that China will host a wonderful Olympic Games. I request the pleasure to offer my best wishes to Asia Fortune Forum for a perfect success in its mission.
  我深信,虽然经历了地震灾难,中国仍将举办一场令世界瞩目的奥运盛会。我向 《亚洲财富论坛》 致以最美好的祝愿:祝你们成功,不辱使命!
   ——马其顿驻华特命全权大使 法特米尔·杰拉迪尼
  I am confident that the days ahead will be happy days celebrating the great success of the Olympics despite many obstacles that the great China went through.
  ——沙特阿拉伯王国驻华特命全权大使 叶海亚·载德
  I also believe that the collective spirit of the Chinese people will prevail over this calamity and the preparations for the 2008 Beijing Olympics will continue to proceed smoothly. I take this opportunity to warmly extend my best wishes for a very successful 2008 Beijing Olympics in August.
  ——马来西亚驻华特命全权大使 赛义德·诺尔扎曼
  It is my heartfelt wish and my confidence that, despite all those unfavorable condition, China will host the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games smoothly and successfully. The spirit of Peaceful Olympiad and One World One Dream will surely fly high in the blue sky of Beijing and China.
  ——老挝人民民主共和国驻华特命全权大使 维吉·欣达翁
自太平洋保险IPO之后,宝钢集团与其关联方以合计持股比例20%成为了中国太保的控股股东,宝钢旗下华宝投资有限公司浮出水面。   长江电力斥资15亿元成立长电创新投资管理有限公司之后,央企金融投资再次备受关注,据称长江电力在未来还将至少拿出50亿元做PE。  2007年中海油金融产业利润达33.98亿元,成为公司新的业务增长点。据相关报道显示,金融产业对集团利润的贡献率由2006年的1.3%上升到了
最近各路消息都爆出国家开发银行(国开行)的改制方案得到了国家管理层面的批准,这意味着国开行的商业化之路即将正式开始。  然而,一家政策性银行要成功转身为商业银行,这其中的变化并非是成功得到国务院等管理层的一纸同意书那么简单。    国开行的谋定而后动    从政策性银行到商业性银行,国开行近年来一直在为这一个漂亮的转身而忙碌奔波着。  国开行的改制可以说是银行业里的一个敏感话题,曾经定于要在今年4
2008年5月的最后一天,林毅夫最后作为北京大学中国经济研究中心的主任,为该中心和北大国际MBA今年的毕业生颁发了毕业证书。也就是在这一天的下午,林毅夫正式离开北京大学飞赴世界银行总部就任。至此,盛传多日的林毅夫将出任世界银行首席经济学家一事终于有了确切答案。    其实,世界银行首席经济学家的正式称谓是“负责发展经济学的高级副行长,兼首席经济学家”。世界银行上一任首席经济学家是法国人弗朗索瓦·布
已经是见怪不怪了,中国股市什么奇迹都有可能被创造,但听到消息后,还是心有所戚,忍不住写下一篇牢骚,算是给自己这个老股民一点安慰。  2008年6月2日下午,电信重组指导方案公布后的第9天,中国四大上市电信运营商中的三个同时发布公告。   联通和中国电信公布两家公司已于当天签署了关于CDMA业务转让的框架协议,两家公司的母公司联通集团和电信集团也于当日签署了关于CDMA网络转让的框架协议,整个业务和
房地产业是个复杂的行业,其资金密集型的属性意味着对金融有非常强的依赖性。由于中国金融体制的不健全,银行业长期处于高度垄断地位,这就使得金融行业一直面临较大的系统性风险,而另一方面也在一定程度上左右着房地产业的发展。  这些年来,中国经济的增长是伴随着房地产业的迅猛发展而前行的。随着中国房地产业的迅速发展,人们往往会看到一种现象,即每每房地产业发展到一个高峰、房价高企的时候,国家就会出台政策加强管理
2008年中国CEO年会简介  创新改变命运,开放挑战责任。中国企业正在为开放创新而战,如何建立面向未来竞争的全球化战略,如何升级管理平台,推动企业存续?  继2007年首届中国CEO年会精彩落幕。2008年,国际顶级管理大师与中国顶级CEO们将再次演绎巅峰对话。  定位于“战略创新+CEO升华”,邀请世界大师与中国CEO直面对谈,顶尖商业精英私密沟通,提供深度交流的年度对话平台。北京为年会主会场
钒皇是限量开采的世界唯一弱碱性钒锗离子水,可称是世界珍贵又罕见的、绝无仅有的天然贵重资源,是大自然馈赠人类的天赐之物。   300米深的钒皇原水井,是富士山经过25万年间7次火山喷发积累的1000米厚的玄武岩岩层,雨水和雪水经过400年间溶滤,渗透7层玄武岩,形成了这种世界上独一无二的,被日本预防医学行政审议会认定为预防医学和增进健康的优秀水源。环境未遭丝毫破坏和污染,是日本环境大臣许可的国立公园
在今年的两会期间,国务院总理温家宝在作政府工作报告时强调:一定要守住全国耕地不少于18亿亩这条红线。认真落实新修订的禁止类和限制类项目用地的规定,特别要禁止别墅类房地产开发、高尔夫球场、党政机关和国有企事业单位新建培训中心等项目用地。  随即,国土资源部便下达了2008年全国土地利用计划。根据这一计划,今年新增建设占用农用地与耕地数量同去年持平,继续禁止别墅类、高尔夫球场、党政机关和国有企事业单位