Survive Bravely

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  【Abstract】The classic works in Canadian Literatures that advantageously elaborated the characteristics of sublimation under the background for Canada’s particular history,geography,climate,religion,demographic factors,generation,development and continuous construction of Canadian literatures.The greatest masterpieces can highlight powerfully the certain mindset of Canadian and the permanent theme for Canadian Literature:keep working hard for survival and love bravely.Meanwhile,modern people will learn a lot from reading Canadian classic literary works.
  【Key Words】Canada; Novels; Survive; Theme; passion
  Canadian famous writer Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013.With the in-depth understanding of Canadian classic masterpieces gradually,people began to form a profound comprehension to the literary characteristics of Canadian works.
  2.Contemporary Canadian Literature Themes Illustrations
  Just as Margaret Atwood,famous Canadian writer,pointed out that it was Canadian literature never changed theme that to be able to survive bravely and feel luck and love deeply.Joy,sorrow,hope,struggle,thinking and fear are human emotions.Great Writers can express them well.[1]Today,the common thinking about the relationships between nature and human beings in Canadian literatures is more inspiring for the consideration and exploration of the human survival position and attitude.Human beings cannot survive and think without objective reality.As the second largest country in the world,Canada is vast and has few people,extremely rich in natural resources.However,Canadians have to suffer from long cold winters anomaly and huge threats from many unpredictable natural disasters.
  3.Courage Theme Reflections
  In Sinclair Ross’ The Lamp at Noon,he depicts the most typical Canadian typical mentality of the characters,too.In 1930s,the area in the western Canada suffered from sandstorm.It has been for seven consecutive years of drought led to farmers hard to pay but gain nothing.Raging dust off the house full of flying dust and little baby panic crying,parents were reluctantly to light lamp even at noon.Natural disasters,tough lives survive let people sad and anxious.Paul believed that as long as he kept trying,and insisted on farming,the lives of their family would certainly be better after all.However,his wife absolutely disagreed with his ideas,she wanted to leave this desert full of despair.The survival of the land barren,survival choice,love family friendship almost lost,these are all weights that life cannot bear,but as Canada people’s tenacity,Paul persevered microcosm.Eventually,he did not give up,adhere to in the desert on the hard-working farming,and his wife did not really leave him without complains.[2]The Lamp light brightened sands cover noon,lights brightened hope in the dark so that readers can deeply fell that Canadians’ survival stubborn courage and strong love.   Most outstanding Canadian literary works are related to depression themes to reminds readers that each second human being face to choices about survival or death.
  And in Yves Beauchemin’s The Alley Cat (2008),we understand about the Canadian terrible weather further:"the next day,winter was determined to test human being.Closed to three o’clock in the morning,a huge surge of cold attacked Quebec,like tens of thousands of rodent creatures ate anything they met......,and the poor Florent resided in a cold Canada’s northern town.What’s more,in such a bad weather he also had to take his sick wife to see doctor in a cold and snow midnight.To them,live or die was just a moment around at the corner.But as the author mentioned at the end of the stoary:“they did not give up the pursuit of their dream,believed in love,friendship,overcame hardships with courage and finally achieved their goals.”[3]
  Canadian literatures are true and unique.As Canadians people call it:it is our own literature,ours.What The Alley Cat,The Lamp at Noon illustrate just about Canadian people’s stories struggling to survive in extremely cold environment,even suffer from setback still try their best to find happiness from generation to generation.This struggling consciousness is just the theme of Canadian literature for survive.[4]
  [1]Chen Ying.As A “God”Novelist’s Lost- A Comparison Between “French Lieutenant” And “Kim”[J].Chang Chun:Ji Lin:Radio and Television University Journal,2011(2):77.
  [2]Hu Yue.Canadian Features In The Sinclair Ross’Short Novel:The Lamp At Noon[J].Harbin:Hei Long jiang Local Chronicles,2014 (14):59.
  [3]Qiu Yi.Contemporary Quebec World Life Picture Scroll- About Canadian Writer Yves Beauchemin And His Work—The Alley Cat[J].Liao Ning:China Book Review,2013(6):83.
  [4]David Storck.Characteristic Of Canadian Literature[J].Beijing:Foreign Language Department of Peking University,1991 (6):149.
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【摘要】根据认知因素原理和加工层次理论,在词汇教学中发挥学生的主动性,使其充分思考,进行大脑深度加工,并多创造单词使用的情景,会激发学习兴趣,提升记忆效率,加强语言学习的效果。基于教学实践,本文以故事法为切入点,介绍词汇教学实例并用学业测试来检验其教学效果,试图探究更有效的英语词汇记忆策略。  【关键词】故事法 英语词汇 记忆策略  一、理论基础  词汇习得是一个复杂的认知过程,也是外部因素与内部
【摘要】中学生英语能力的培养牵涉到众多的因素。到目前为止,从教育目标的制定到师资培训、教材教法、技术运用、考试形式等等无不环环相扣,相互影响。本文就我国现阶段中学英语教育所面临的八大最现实问题再做探讨,并针对这些问题提出个人的建议。  【关键词】中学英语教学 问题 对策  一、学生学习能力不同,程度不同,造成教学上不能因人而异,教师无所适从  现如今,越来越多的孩子在学前期就开始学习英语,这个现象
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